Friday 9 January 2009

Beware Husbands Bearing Gifts!

If you need a bit of liver, a new kidney or bone marrow, if it comes from your husband just make sure that he doesn't want it back or be compensated if you divorce. No surprises that the story comes from the States. No surprises either that with this cold weather people are dying on the streets or that events in Gaza are reaching an all time low in the inhumanity stakes.
Chez nous life is banal in comparison and i feel almost ashamed to write about it.
It's cold here and trying to snow, Christian has been at the Mairie all day yesterday and this morning and I've been to have tea with Nancy who's over from the States, been to the Language Exchange and had Rowena here for dinner, ( a bit of an exaggeration we had soup, albeit a substantial one!) bed and breakfast. The fridge is empty again but the supermarket can wait until tomorrow

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