Sunday, 11 January 2009


At last today there are blue skies but we've no great desire to venture forth into the outside world. We did that yesterday with a visit to the supermarket (boring), to the auberge for lunch ( the lazy option) and to Juste and Joséphine's (not boring) to eat more "Galette de Rois". This time it was Philippe who was king and I've returned to being a mere pleb. Ah well, it was ever thus. Joséphineinvited some of us who'd supported her during the Téléthon - Philippe and Françoise, Joëlle and Michel, Nicole, Katy and Martine. I can assure you that I had a better time than the photo would suggest! Arrived home at 9.30pm as the galette was followed by pizza.
This week Andy and Maureen introduced us to the delights of "Skype" but so far we've only managed to speak to them and my sister Jill. It's great fun to see the other person as long as you don't mind them seeing you looking dishevelled. Does anyone else use Skype????
Once again Christian went into the breach. He'd just cut off the water and taken a tap apart when there was an urgent call for him to stand in for the Maire at an AGM of an Association. Off he went and said a few well chosen words off the cuff. He's definitely getting into politician mode!

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