Wednesday 7 January 2009

Three Wise (?) Men

So far this week there have been three meetings for Christian, two social engagements and one day of snow. Monday evening we braved the cold to go to Brian and Danièle's for mulled wine and English conversation then Tuesday we braved the snow to go to Joëlle's for a slice of "Galette de Rois" and a glass of cava or cup of tea. This tart of almond paste is traditionally eaten at the Epiphany and who ever finds the charm in their slice becomes king/queen for the day. Start tugging your forelocks and bending your knees it was me! Joëlle invited several elderly neighbours so we were 6 women ( Andrée, Germaine, Juliette, Conchita) and appropriately enough, 3 men ( Geronomi, Christian, Michel) and the camels were abandoned in favour of huskies and sledges. Should we be starting to worry that we're being included with the old folk?

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