Friday, 20 February 2009

In the News

Life chez nous has been much the same all week. Mairie and the Association. International Women's Day is getting closer and though it will be a simple affair there seems to be loads to co-ordinate. Quiet as it is here there seems to be plenty of news to catch the interest. We'll forget the economic crisis but our local news paper has reported Jade Goodie's story and the kissing ban at Warrington railway station. You can just imagine the French reaction to that! French tv has been full of the general strike and protests in Guadeloupe where people are fed up of being treated like a modern day colony. Our illustrious President has promised to visit when the situation is more stable. Perhaps he fears flying shoes. Two prisoners broke out of a high security prison using explosives that had been smuggled in by women visitors! Apparently one of the women always set off the alarm because of some medical appliance that she had to wear and was never checked. An ideal"mule". Three days on the run and now one is on the critical list in hospital having been shot twice in the thorax. Talking of prisons, what about the judge in Florida, I think it was, who's been done for sending too many people to prison (even for the States)? The prison is privately run and paid a "bounty" for each detainee. Crooked bankers, crooked judges, crooked politicians, crooked estranged husbands of politicians, the list is never ending. I did hear that David Mills, Tessa Jowell's hubbie, although convicted to 4 years, won't serve them because of Italian legal technicalities. The best laugh has come from Ireland. the story of the Police being puzzled by a Polish motiorist who has accumulated 50 or so motoring offences and each time given a different address. Mystery was solved when the name was looked up in a dictionary and found to mean "driving licence"!!! More worrying news has also come from Ireland - Ryanair's decision to let people use their mobile phones for £1-£3/min once they reach 10,000 feet. According to Martin O'Leary it's because there's a public demand. Yeah, yeah.

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