Friday 6 February 2009

Variety is the spice...

We both put in a good morning's work before we went off to meet up with Jean and Françoise and several others for lunch. Jean had arranged a seminar which presented the work of a local film maker. We weren't able to attend but we enjoyed the meal and meeting the others.
As a change from the usual, the latest exhibitions in the village is of the documents of a Catalan Psychiatrist Henri Ey (1900-1977) who founded the World Society of Psyciatrists and became known as "Le Pape de Psychiatire". An interesting and none too long presentation was given by Dr Palem from the Henri Ey foundation and an apéritif followed. More snacks followed chez Michel (who organises the exhibitions) where we found ourselves with Kathy, Gilles, Juste, Joséphine and Danièle. apart from the exhibition, we talked politcs. Now there's a surprise!

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