Saturday, 28 February 2009

A Taste of Spring

Another week has flown by with Christian spending even more time than ever at the Mairie and me still trying to get information together for International Women's Day. How easy it was in Glasgow in comparison. Still, it wasn't all work. Wednesday I was invited to Joëlle and Michel's for tea and pancakes in the afternoon after Jany had sorted out my roots! Yesterday we were out for the whole day. Up the valley and over into Catalunya Sud but not before we'd bumped into Annie and Graham en route and had a coffee with them. The weather was just fabulous, an unbelievable 21° at times. We weren't quite so lucky food wise as two restaurants that we wanted to try were closed, a third charged for bread and "couverts" which I object to on principal especially as there was only à la carte. I wonder what would happen if you took your own! We finally ended up in a modern place which did a very passable meal for the princely sum of 10.80€ with wine and you had a knife and fork thrown in for free. Not wanting to let go of the euphoric feeling of having left winter behind we had a glass of wine on the terrace of the bar before closing the shutters at home and switching on the telly.
On the news front I've been a "grumpy old woman" about over - paid, well pensioned bankers, , the cost of the Queen Mum's statue (just outrageous) and a beauty pageant for women of no fixed abode in Belgium. Exploitation at it's best hosted by a petite blonde with all her own teeth.

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