Sunday 1 February 2009

Thyme Soup

Lunch out with Joséphine, Juste, Marie-Loudres and Jean chez Claude where we ate thyme soup . Delicious! Before you start pulling faces, it was more than just thyme. The stock was made with fresh chicken and vegetables and garnished with poached eggs and cheese toasts. Then there was grilled meat, cheese and dessert to follow. As all six of us had been at yesterday's meal we were able to moan about the menu for which we paid 25€ each and talk village politics. The rain was even heavier and Jean and Joséhine came dressed for the weather in style. Not ready to go home just yet we went back to Joséphine's where we were joined by Joëlle and Michel for a coffee. Once at home, we lit the fire, Christian snoozed, I got on with my knitting and caught up with "Casualty".

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