Thursday 30 April 2009

Being Sociable

27th April
An apéritif dinatoire with Barbara, Lone, Alain, Michel and Joëlle chez nous.
28th April
A meeting at the Mairie for English speakers which went well. People left feeling that the Maire is an ok guy and that the council is approachable. and there wasn't even an apéritif in sight! In the evening I had a garden meeting which really didn't take us anywhere in particular but I showed willing. Pity I don't have the same enthusiasm for the garden itself any more. Still as we were invited to Lone's for a farewell drink, I was able to make my escape and enjoy the rest of the evening in a more relaxed atmosphere.
29th April
A long overdue catch up with Anne and Henry. Over into Spain to visit a wine cave to do a bit of a stock up and then on for lunch followed by tea at the waterfall. All new territory for them and much appreciated. Traffic coming back over the border was heavy so I guess we're heading into the tourist season.
30th April
Well, what do you know? According to a recent survey the French spend more time in bed and at the table than anyone else. Not sure if it was a Europewide or worldwide survey... just thought that you'd like to know. As it's the May day holiday tomorrow the latest vernissage was held this evening rather than on a Friday and the artist showing is Marie Andrée, a friend of ours. There were plenty of people there, the paintings were multi-faceted and Jean and his guitar provided the musical entertainment. After the apéritif which was in no way "dinatoire", Kathy came back with us to raid the fridge.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Les Deportés

The ceremony season is well underway with today's commemoration of those people who were deported under fascism. The weather was wet and cold but there were a number of us who turned out. don't supposrt that Christian and i would have been there if he wasn't at the Mairie but there you are, that's life. A 9 o'clock start up in the mountains and the back down to hear the speeches again in the village and of course an apéritif. six of us (Maggie, Francis, Monique and Alain) then went off to the local auberge for lunch followed by coffe and liquers back at our place. The rain didn't let up all day so it was good to have something other to do than watch the telly.

Saturday 25 April 2009

Sant Jordi

22nd April
Sant Jordi is getting ever closer and Joëlle, Joséphine and I went around to Jany's to make sweetie bags, a garland and paper roses while all the time wondering if the weather would hold. There were plenty of doom and gloom merchants who were talking of storms and the wine merchant cancelled her stall. Came home for a seat on the terrace and a wee pick me up.
23 April
Today is Sant Jordi or St George's day to the English. Funny that Catalunya and England have the same patron saint. Once again our street was decorated with Catalan flags and individual offerings. Pity that nowhere else makes an effort. Christian was really gallant today as he offered a rose, as is traditional, to all the women (8 of us) who were having a drink at the bar.
24th April
A wee break from knots in the stomach about the weekend - it's hard when so much rests on your shoulders and you're out of practice. Our new dvd recorder arrived in the afternoon which, by the way, fits perfectly in the unit that Christian sweated over recently.
25th April
The day dawns with plenty of things to do by way of organising and setting up the square. Christian was a real trooper which gives lie to his moans about me being too involved with the community (which needless to say aint very visible when it comes to humping tressles and hanging decorations). The afternoon had a buzz about it and the medieval décor, the troubadours, the dragon etc really made it something different. It passed off well with only a couple of drops of rain. Ended the day by being treated to a meal at the bar by the Maire and his wife.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Les Bonnes Tables

You know what they say (who ever they are) about the way to hell .... but here we are several weeks later trying to catch up.
15th April
A visit from Jojo and François who are on holiday in the area. For Jojo an opportunity to, practise her English and for Fraçois and Christian an opportunity to talk "Total".
16th April
There's no such thing as a free apéritif! This evening Jany, Jean, Maurice, Rosie and Joëlle came by to be plied with drink and discuss their contribution to la fête de Sant Jordi. All's fair and all that!
17th April
A surprise invitation for dinner at Bernard and Françoise's, the Belgian couple that we met recently who have a holiday home on the outskirts of the village. We were joined by their neighbours Francis and Simone and had an excellent evening which kicked off with champagne and worked its way through some very good wine. It was plain to see that we were among the connisseurs!
18th April
A really busy day that started with the unveiling of a commemoration stone to 4 prominent Spanish republicans who passed into France in 1939. Situated in the middle of nowhere there was a choice of a good half an hour's walk from the road or a lift in a dodge military vehicle. No prizes for guessing who took which option. It was a dignified ceremony in the presence of a survivor of the war and several children and young people. The organisers even managed to have music (flute and keyboard) and cava served in real glasses! Walking back down to the village I didn't feel guilty about the substantial lunch with a dozen others that awaited us. Afterwards there was a quick visit to an exibition (food and culture are always a good mix) and then on to the local Mairie for a twinning ceremony. It's just great to be part of these happenings which helps to make up for all the hours that Christian passes doing his civic duty! We weren't able to stay on for the concert as the local sardane group were cooking up 360 eggs to make Easter omelettes for those who had donated the week before. Is it any wonder that Marie -Louise looks as if there's no end to the the cooking! It was a good evening with a number of Brits and two Irish who were also present. I can tell you that one of the best ways to be accepted here is to learn to dance the sardane so that's perhaps why, the expats in the village are not subjected to the same animosity as elsewhere in France. That and the fact that they're pretty decent not in your face type folk!
19th April
Up early to see the Maratrail (42kms worth) pass through Maureillas which was a designated watering hole. I was a bit reluctant to put this photo as the table looks really meagre but Christian looks good so what the heck! We should have gone up to Rowena's for lunch but coming over the rough forest road yesterday we got a puncture. Later in the afternoon we went to the concert given by our friend Jean and others and then to Juste and Joséphine's for apéritifs which stretched out to celebrate her birthday.
20th April
The bad news is that the tyre cost us 450€ and that was with a discount! Originally they said that it couldn't be done for 4 days but when Christian said he wouldn't buy Toyota again and suddenly they were able to fit him in.

Monday 13 April 2009

Mr Bricolage

The rain was teeming down so it was the ideal opportiunity to put together the new telly unit . This piece of furniture cost us 300€ and even though we had to put it together ourselves! What a pain. It should have taken 1.5h but needless to say that was an optimistic estimate. Christian ended up with a blister on his hand but at least all the pieces were there, it fitted together and is stable. Jean, you'd better tell John that he has some competition!
In the late afternoon we ventured forth to watch the local Sardane group going through the streets singing in Catalan and collecting ingredients for a Pascale omlette. An old tradition called 'Els Goigs dels Ouls' when days of yore, people would lower their offerings down in a basket. A bit like carol singing but at Easter. It was wet and miserable but the group took no heed and should be congratulated on keeping this old tradition alive.
Sunday the group were to dance the sardane out side the church at the end of mass but this was abandoned due to "inclement" weather. They sang inside and received a basket of saucisson which was blessed. Roll on Saturday night when we the omlette will be cooked and shared with all those who contributed.
As well as all this, there was an equestrian "Endurance" competition. held in the village. The longest that anyone did was 65km. Rain, cold, mud, not a lot of people. It was wet last year too so maybe they should think about shifting the date. Went for an apéro at the bar with Kathy and Jean and then decided to go to the Auberge to eat where we found André who insisted on treating us, and Patrice, his "chauffeur".
Easter Monday we didn't do anything exciting until Maggie asked us round to help her with a letter after which she opened a bottle of champagne by way of thanks. Mmm!
Surprise, surprise! It's Tuesday and the sun is shining

Friday 10 April 2009

Oh No They're Not!!!

Woke up to rain Tuesday morning and it was still raining on Wednesday but ever the hardy souls we set out as planned with Terry and Anne to take them on a journey of exploration. Forest tracks, monuments to long dead heroes, medieval villages and finally La Quadra for lunch.
Thursday and finally enough sunshine to have a glass of wine at the bar after the Language Exchange. In the evening Jacques came by to talk "Sant Jordi" and have an apéritif.
Woke up today to ..... rain! Spent the afternoon trailing around looking for a tv unit which was hardly the highlight of our week. Luckily things picked up with a vernissage and dinner at Juste and Joséphine's.

Monday 6 April 2009

Sunny Days are Here Again!

Well, wouldn't you know it! Colin and Sheila left Friday afternoon and a little later the sun came out! In fact there's been lovely sunshine since then. The weekend has been busy. The new flower shop in the square opened, we made a few stops at the bar and wandered around the market on Saturday. Saturday evening Jean and Françoise came for apéritifs and then we went on to the bar where there was a DJ evening in full swing. Sunday we had the news that Michel's mother had died aged nearly 98. He and Joëlle came for lunch of a well stretched chilli along with Michelle and Jean-Jacques . Ironic really as they're just back from a month in Mexico. As there was a concert in the evening for which there was no refreshment arranged for the chorale, I raided the fridge and the cupboard to put something together for16 of us.
It's still fine today and I think I've recruited another two members for the Assocition. This evening Christian has his monthly surgery up in the mountains but there will only be the two of us for dinner which is no bad thing as he's feeling a bit neglected at the moment!!

Thursday 2 April 2009

Fron Dreech to Drab

The weather wasn't much better, hence Colin's well chosen phrase above. Went into Figueres to the market which was a pretty sad affair. Had a hot chocolate to try and lift the spirits before going in search of food. Decided on 'tried and trusted' thus ending up at "La Plaça" which didn't disappoint. On leaving the restaurant, surprise, surprise it was dry so 3 of us walked off our meal while Christian snoozed. Called in at the wine cave on the way home and bought 2l of sangria to try. A quiet evening of tapas and chat.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Off to a Wet Start

Oh dear to leave Scotland looking for sunshine only to find rain .... it's a good job that Colin and Sheila are here to see us and not as tourists. Had a soggy walk around the town in the afternoon, stopping to have an overpriced hot chocolate to warm us up. Came home, lit the fire and indulged ourselves with foie gras (homemade) and cava.
Weather no better today but as Christian had booked a day off from the Mairie we set off for Port Vendres. Visited the fish place where our mouths dropped open at the prices and went to see the MacIntosh exhibition which apparently is only open on Friday afternoons at the moment. With wet feet and numb fingers we went to L'Archipel for an excellent lunch which proved to be rather toomuch for Christian and I who needed to come home for a snooze. Colin and Sheila, however , are made of sterner stuff and they've gone off for a walk by the sea. Well, if you can deal with what Prestwick has to throw at you, you can deal with the Mediterranean coast.