Monday 13 April 2009

Mr Bricolage

The rain was teeming down so it was the ideal opportiunity to put together the new telly unit . This piece of furniture cost us 300€ and even though we had to put it together ourselves! What a pain. It should have taken 1.5h but needless to say that was an optimistic estimate. Christian ended up with a blister on his hand but at least all the pieces were there, it fitted together and is stable. Jean, you'd better tell John that he has some competition!
In the late afternoon we ventured forth to watch the local Sardane group going through the streets singing in Catalan and collecting ingredients for a Pascale omlette. An old tradition called 'Els Goigs dels Ouls' when days of yore, people would lower their offerings down in a basket. A bit like carol singing but at Easter. It was wet and miserable but the group took no heed and should be congratulated on keeping this old tradition alive.
Sunday the group were to dance the sardane out side the church at the end of mass but this was abandoned due to "inclement" weather. They sang inside and received a basket of saucisson which was blessed. Roll on Saturday night when we the omlette will be cooked and shared with all those who contributed.
As well as all this, there was an equestrian "Endurance" competition. held in the village. The longest that anyone did was 65km. Rain, cold, mud, not a lot of people. It was wet last year too so maybe they should think about shifting the date. Went for an apéro at the bar with Kathy and Jean and then decided to go to the Auberge to eat where we found André who insisted on treating us, and Patrice, his "chauffeur".
Easter Monday we didn't do anything exciting until Maggie asked us round to help her with a letter after which she opened a bottle of champagne by way of thanks. Mmm!
Surprise, surprise! It's Tuesday and the sun is shining

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