Monday 6 April 2009

Sunny Days are Here Again!

Well, wouldn't you know it! Colin and Sheila left Friday afternoon and a little later the sun came out! In fact there's been lovely sunshine since then. The weekend has been busy. The new flower shop in the square opened, we made a few stops at the bar and wandered around the market on Saturday. Saturday evening Jean and Françoise came for apéritifs and then we went on to the bar where there was a DJ evening in full swing. Sunday we had the news that Michel's mother had died aged nearly 98. He and Joëlle came for lunch of a well stretched chilli along with Michelle and Jean-Jacques . Ironic really as they're just back from a month in Mexico. As there was a concert in the evening for which there was no refreshment arranged for the chorale, I raided the fridge and the cupboard to put something together for16 of us.
It's still fine today and I think I've recruited another two members for the Assocition. This evening Christian has his monthly surgery up in the mountains but there will only be the two of us for dinner which is no bad thing as he's feeling a bit neglected at the moment!!

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