Thursday 30 April 2009

Being Sociable

27th April
An apéritif dinatoire with Barbara, Lone, Alain, Michel and Joëlle chez nous.
28th April
A meeting at the Mairie for English speakers which went well. People left feeling that the Maire is an ok guy and that the council is approachable. and there wasn't even an apéritif in sight! In the evening I had a garden meeting which really didn't take us anywhere in particular but I showed willing. Pity I don't have the same enthusiasm for the garden itself any more. Still as we were invited to Lone's for a farewell drink, I was able to make my escape and enjoy the rest of the evening in a more relaxed atmosphere.
29th April
A long overdue catch up with Anne and Henry. Over into Spain to visit a wine cave to do a bit of a stock up and then on for lunch followed by tea at the waterfall. All new territory for them and much appreciated. Traffic coming back over the border was heavy so I guess we're heading into the tourist season.
30th April
Well, what do you know? According to a recent survey the French spend more time in bed and at the table than anyone else. Not sure if it was a Europewide or worldwide survey... just thought that you'd like to know. As it's the May day holiday tomorrow the latest vernissage was held this evening rather than on a Friday and the artist showing is Marie Andrée, a friend of ours. There were plenty of people there, the paintings were multi-faceted and Jean and his guitar provided the musical entertainment. After the apéritif which was in no way "dinatoire", Kathy came back with us to raid the fridge.

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