Saturday 25 April 2009

Sant Jordi

22nd April
Sant Jordi is getting ever closer and Joëlle, Joséphine and I went around to Jany's to make sweetie bags, a garland and paper roses while all the time wondering if the weather would hold. There were plenty of doom and gloom merchants who were talking of storms and the wine merchant cancelled her stall. Came home for a seat on the terrace and a wee pick me up.
23 April
Today is Sant Jordi or St George's day to the English. Funny that Catalunya and England have the same patron saint. Once again our street was decorated with Catalan flags and individual offerings. Pity that nowhere else makes an effort. Christian was really gallant today as he offered a rose, as is traditional, to all the women (8 of us) who were having a drink at the bar.
24th April
A wee break from knots in the stomach about the weekend - it's hard when so much rests on your shoulders and you're out of practice. Our new dvd recorder arrived in the afternoon which, by the way, fits perfectly in the unit that Christian sweated over recently.
25th April
The day dawns with plenty of things to do by way of organising and setting up the square. Christian was a real trooper which gives lie to his moans about me being too involved with the community (which needless to say aint very visible when it comes to humping tressles and hanging decorations). The afternoon had a buzz about it and the medieval décor, the troubadours, the dragon etc really made it something different. It passed off well with only a couple of drops of rain. Ended the day by being treated to a meal at the bar by the Maire and his wife.

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