Sunday 10 May 2009

Flower Power

I just love this time of year. The weather is warm enough to have a glass of wine on the terrace, the swallows are zooming around and the poppies are in full bloom. They're my favourite flower; now, I wonder what that means?
No sooner said than Google can come up with the answer....
The flower symbolism associated with poppies is beauty, magic, consolation, fertility and eternal life. The Egyptians included poppies at funerals and in burial tombs. The Greeks used poppies in the shrines of Demeter, goddess of fertility, and Diana, goddess of the hunt. Poppies denote sleep, rest and repose. In modern times, poppies have been associated with Flanders fields as an emblem of those who died in World War I.
In Chinese Art poppies
represent the loyalty and faith between lovers. Acording to Chinese legend, a beautiful and courageous woman, Lady Yee, was married to Hsiang Yu, a warrior with Herculean strength. When Hsiang led his troops into battle, Lady Yee chose to follow him and stood by his side in every battle.
During a long and arduous war, Hsiang's army was surrounded and defeat is imminent. Lady Yee tried to boost his spirits by dancing with his sword. The petals of the poppy flower reflect her spirit as she dances in the wind with the sword. When this attempt failed, Lady Yee committed suicide. A cluster of poppies sprang in full bloom from her gravesite.
Take your pick !

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