Friday 8 May 2009

Parades and Serenades

8th of May and another public holiday when parades take place all over France. Today commemorates the end of the 2WW in Europe so it was up to our sister village where the Flame of Liberty shone bright . The gentleman on the left is 88 years old and heavily decorated including the Legion of Honour. He's a real charmer as are many of the "anciens combattants" I've met at these occasions. Speeches, a minute's silence, the Marsaillaise and the Partisans'Song which would bring a lump to anyone's throat, elevenses at the auberge then it was back down again for more of the same. Another apéritif and lunch chez Claude's in the mountains which is where the serenade part comes in. Now at last, the blog is bang smack up to date but for how long that's the question ....

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