Friday 29 May 2009

Normandy Landing

27th-29th May
Stéphane and Doro arrived and after lunch together chez Christophe and Valérie we drove them over to Valérie and Guillaume's. The following day it was our turn to do dinner and Friday we left for Paris, the Ibis, a curry and what's more the rain finally stopped.

26th May
Met Christophe and had lunch by the sea. The waves were lashing the breakwater - all very exciting. By the evening all was calm when we called in to see Léon and Christiane for an apéro before making our way to Sylvie and Christophe's for dinner.
25th May
The crossing was good, the bed chair surprisingly comfortable and thank goodness we didn't need to eat. Just made it into harbour at 8am before the rain came on and a storm threatened. Went to Etretat for lunch and a walk around. The restos are so much more expensive than in Fécamp. Wonder if it's because the Brits tend to flock here. Went back to Le Havre to have tea with Jeanine. Just as we left a howling gale blew up. The rain just lashed down, roads flooded and it was almost impossible to see through the windscreen. It felt as if the end of the world was nigh. Apparently it was very localised as chez Christophe there was rain but no where near as ferocious as that which we'd just experienced.

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