Sunday 24 May 2009

Northward Bound

24th May
A last visit to see Dad who was able to walk to the gate to see us off and then lunch with Mum and Barbara at the pub in Brailes. Weather warm for the run down to Portsmouth where we met up with Bob and Chris at the Gun Wharf Quay. a really great development with shops, bars and restaurants overlooking the sea and the Isle of Wight ferries coming in. Certainly no sign of the much-talked about economic crisis here with the bar terraces and restaurants full. Still I suppose it was a bank holiday weekend. Had a nice meal at the "Brasserie Blanc". Of course, Raymond wasn't there although you would have thought so by the prices!

19th-23rd May
A few days taken at a fairly leisurely pace which included some shopping, visits to the family, trips to both Stratford and Evesham garden centres and dinner at Gail and Roger's. Spent some time with Dad who was looking so much better than last time. He was able to walk a bit and even managed to treat us to lunch at the "Black Horse" in Shipston. Poor old Jill missed out on the lunch and the two bunches of asparagus - how blessed it is to be the prodigal daughter!

18th May
Took the 5pm ferry and had a smooth crossing and an unappetising meal arriving at Jill's about midnight.
17th May
Drove over to Christophe and Valérie's in time for lunch. as they were just back from Guadeloupe it was on an Antilles theme complete with Planter punch!

16th May
Jojo and I went into Bayeux to look for something for the wedding and glad to say that we were successful. In the afternoon we went for a walk to Arramanche to the landing beach where in a couple of weeks' time the D Day commomoration will take place. A good Antilles meal in the evening rounded off the day.

15th May
A busy day. First to Vire where we had a walk around the market in the cold and wet and then to have lunch with Christian's Godmother and her husband. They were in good form. Next came the official part of the visit. Called in to see the Mayor of the town that we're twinned with. We received a very warm welcome and he received a tray of cherries. Apparently they hope to come and visit in October. By the time that we reached Jojo and François's the weather had warmed up and the Planter Punch was ready.
14th May
The early rises are paying off as we were able to get out and away for 9am. Set the GPS, the cruise control and let Abba blast out as we headed for northward. By the time we reached Toulouse the rain had set in, the temperature had dropped and we picniced in the car. Found a good b&b on a farm near Avranches and ate modern food in "Le Tripot" a restaurant in the town.

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