Sunday 28 June 2009

On Another Patch

It was far too hot to be in the kichen baking but duty called. Another "Fête des Voisins", this time organised by Alain and Monique on one of the newer estates. There were lots of the old faces there but there were also new people to meet and raise a glass with. Yet again there was loads of food being passed around so it was good to get up and dance. I gave the sardane a miss and the musette as well but once Abba hit the sound system ........
It was a shame that Eddie and Suzanne had to leave for the airport and the sunny skies of Glasgow. Still, there's always next year.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Decisions, Decisions

It was a hard decision - Wimbledon, the beach or a siesta but it seemed that Ed and Suz did them all in equal proportion. an easier decision was to treat us to lunch in Garriguella (24th). You can see that even after paying the bill that Eddie is still smiling! He said something about going more up-market next time and reserving a table at El Bulli. Start saving, pal or on second thoughts do we really want to eat food produced in a lab? The trip gave us the chance of yet another stock- up-with- more- cava trip . This time we hit the jackpot with a gift of a presentation pack of two bottles and two more glasses to add to the 40 something that we have already.

Of course during this time Michael Jackson died and the hype continues still. It's all kind of sad. What kind of Dad could only talk about his son as a singer and in doing so plug a new blueray release. No wonder he was screwed up.

The week ended with a "Tapas sans Frontières" evening and our guests this time stayed the course and stayed to help clear up. How many light bulbs did you unscrew, Eddie?

Tuesday 23 June 2009

And then there were two

It was strange not to have the wit and wisdom of Edward to keep us amused, not to mention his forays into the kitchen to keep us fed but we still had a good time with Eddie and Suzanne. The start of the week saw us take a bit of excercise or as much as the hot weather would allow, a trip to "La Frigoulette" where the meal was ok but not as good as I remembered and the "Feu de St Jean". All the excitement of village life, candlelit procession, balloon release, bonfire and fireworks proved too much for our Glesca pals and they copped out without so much as an ooh or an ah of amazement as the sky lit up with a cascade of colour. They missed out on the bar too where we went at the end for a nightcap.

Sunday 21 June 2009

In the bosom of the Family

With nothing particular to do, apart from yesterday, we were able to take this visit easier than usual. Spent some time with Jill, John and the family who all assembled one night when as usual we were well entertained by the John and the kids and well looked after by Jill. I always suspected that Christian was not much of a "new man"and here's the proof. Jill doesn't look too bothered though. With Mum we had a trip to good old "Morrisons" for fish and chips and a meal at the Red Lion (a "plough person's lunch" at 7.30pm for me and scampi and more chips for Christian) and another meal at Chris & Rosie's who had also invited the Pauls and the Hodgkins. Left Jill's at the crack of dawn to catch the 6.30 flight back home to prepare for Eddie and Suzanne's arrival later in the evening. Oh yes and there was the Fête de la Musique and a sandwich in between times.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Rest in Peace

Today Dad went back to the village where he was born and to the churchyard where many of his family are also buried. The church was full, Simon and Oliver helped to carry him and the service chosen by Joan was a commemoration of a man who was first and foremost a country man. There was one light moment at the graveside when a little yappy dog came to see what was happening. It just seemed so appropriate for someone who at one time had 4 Jack Russells in the house that we had to smile(although the undertaker was not amused by the interlude) . After the funeral most people came back to the Norgren for something to eat and drink, to look at the photos of Dad's life that John had put on disc and to reminisce. One of the hymns sung was Cat Stevens' "Morning has Broken" and I'm left with these words .........
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass. Au revoir, Papa.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Club Med

7.6.09 Chris, Rosie, Roger and Gail arrived for a few days of well earned rest. Although they had a car and went out and about by themselves, we did manage to spend some time together other than over an apéritf. Today was European election day so Christian was on duty up in the mountains watching over the ballot box. There was a better than average turn out with the "Greens" doing better than the Socialists but not as well as the UMP (Sarkozy's party). After the count we went up to the Auberge and ate a "Mother's Day" menu. Yes, it's at a different time here.

9.6.09 Gail and Rosie took over the kitchen to do the evening meal which went down well and still gave a couple of portions left over for the freezer.
10.6.09 Christian kept the day free so that we could take the gang up to the golf course and then down to the restaurant in Maçanet. Stopped by the lake on the way back but no one went in.
11.6.09 Language Exchange in the morning, baking in the afternoon for our "Fête des Voisins". A very pleasant evening with plenty to eat and drink and not a lot of washing up!
13.06.09 Assembled the troops at the recreation ground to head over into another valley to visit the Caramany wine caves. This A.O.C wine has a good reputation, the medieval village is quaint, there's a good restaurant and the scenery en route is magnificent. Several of us came away with our pockets lighter than went we went and a few kilos heavier after a meal of "Boles de Picolat", a Catalan dish of meatballs in a thick green olive sauce. It was, of course, washed down with a Caramany red. On the way back we stopped several times to admire the scenery, especially "Les Orgues" at Ille sur Tet which really do look like organ pipes. Didn't want to eat much in the evening but of course there was still room for a wee apéritif!
14.6.09 An even earlier start down at the recreation ground to watch the start of a local classic car rally. The Mairie laid on a breakfast of coffee, orange juice and pastries which were too tempting to say no to even after our usual start to the day of porridge. The spirit isn't even willing to resist ......! Don't get too excited the car does not have my personalised number plate on it although I think our attendance there set Chritian off dreaming again of a little Morgan.
17.6.09 A flight out of Perpignan took us ino a rainy Birmingham where we picked up the hire car and headed down to Jill's via a pub lunch. Went over to Joan's and saw Dad then on to Mum's. Here's hoping that the weather will be dry and that all will go well tomorrow.

Saturday 6 June 2009

Up with the Lark

Lots of phone calls back and forth about the funeral arrangements which has finally been arranged for the 18th which will enable Joan to have Dad at home for what would have been his birthday on the 17th. We had a trip out for lunch at the "Sancho Panzo" on the way into Figueres which proved to be good for the price. Then we stopped by Capmany to stock up with some cava before Chris, Rosie, Gail and Roger arrive. Thursday (4th) we were invited to Joëlle and Michel's for an apéro with the dentist and his wife.
The "up with the lark" bit came today as we joined a group for a guided visit of Girona. It's a really interesting old town with narrow streets, the Arab Baths, a number of churches and chic shopping. Lunch was at a modern airy restaurant just off the ramblas. Came back to find the village jumping principally at the bar which was overflowing with people watching USAP win the rugby cup - the first time in 54 years. Needless to say, celebrations went on long into the night

Wednesday 3 June 2009

End of an Era

My Dad died today of a massive heart attack that he would have known nothing about. I'm so pleased that we saw him so recently and were able to find him in better shape than he had been and the 4 of us were even able to go out for a meal . For Dad, with his improved health, he was enjoying life more; it was the height of the asparagus season, he'd been out in the hills for a picnic with Joan and he was in his own home. He would have been 83 years old on 17th June and now he's away to a Nic- free world. (Nic as in Sarkozy, the subject of many a text between the two of us!).

Monday 1 June 2009

Southward Bound!

Up and out of Paris early in the morning and had a no problems trip back home largely due to the lack of traffic this being a bank holiday. Once again a rubbish service station meal but I suppose it meant that we didn't loose too much time. Good to be home.