Thursday 8 July 2010

Early Birds

Still managing to keep up the early starts but with views like this and an ever changing landscape, it's all worthwhile. There was no committee meeting this morning but the language exchange and tapas lunch went on as usual. Those of you who have seen our market would have been surprised today by the number of stalls - there were at least 7. I'm convinced that the economic situation is pushing people to try their luck. Not that I think that this village market will make anyone rich.
This evening there was the first disco and "Fête de la Bière" of the summer. Moules Frites were on offer at 6€/head. Apparently there were 200kg of mussels prepared but they ran out before everyone was served. Thankfully we'd eaten at home so were spared the 2 hour+ queue that someone people had. Al Chemist, a local group whose stock in trade is satyrical pop played to the hordes before the disco but we left after about an hour in favour of a coffee in the bar which was not surprisingly very quiet.

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