Sunday, 25 July 2010

Village Festivities

The three day village fiesta is upon us again but this year we didn't wear ourselves out eating, drinking and dancing until the early hours. Instead we contented ourselves with the meal on the Saturday evening and a coffee in the bar afterwards. There were 30 of us from the Association and the meal which as last year, was pork and peppers. The organisers stick pretty much to same formula apart from this year changing the band who played. Pity really as by common agreement, they weren't thought to be so good. Sunday as usual, there was Sardane before lunch and the "llavant de taula" after lunch and more Sardane in the evening before another dance. A couple of glasses in the bar with Patrick and Nicole seemed like the better option so we gave the dance a miss which is a shame as by all accounts they more than made up for the disappointing night before. Ah well, you can't win em all and we did have to think about getting up for 7am.

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