Wednesday 8 June 2011

Return Meal 1

Nono and Evelyn have decamped to Collioure. Jean-Jacques is here again for the week trying to catch up with his work while his wife is still undergoing treatment so he came around to us for lunch and a bit of light relief.

This afternoon I went to deliver some tea that I’d brought from Uk for an elderly widowed “lady” that I often pass the time of day with when she’s in the village. Quite a character of the old school, her husband was in Customs and Excise in France’s overseas dependences so she’s travelled a lot. In fact she was repatriated from her holiday in Egypt earlier this year when the riots kicked off. I was quite surprised when after a while she proposed either a glass of champagne or of whisky. Not wishing her to open a whole bottle of champ, I settled for a wee dram.

Now to the subject of the title …. This evening we embarked on the first of a number of dinner invitations intended as a thank you to David and Laura but which we’re included in. Tonight we were wined and dined at Françoise and Philippe’s and very well, I might add. Philippe is a retired 4 star general and neither Christian nor I ever thought that one day we’d be rubbing shoulders socially with the military. What’s more, he was a deputy mayor on the ousted council and we weren’t sure how the evening might go. Much to our surprise, he’s anti Sarkozy and reads “Le Monde”, so, it goes to show that it’s best to keep an open mind. Of course we know that but don’t always put it into practice.

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