Sunday 5 June 2011

Sans Frontières!

After 3 years in the Mairie, this Maire has achieved what others couldn’t manage in 30! He’s stubborn and tenacious, I’ll say that for him. The weather held and the atmosphere was festive. People came up on foot, on bikes, on horseback and by car from both sides of the frontier and of course there were a lot of speeches about bringing north and south Catalunya closer together. 250 meals we’re served under the watchful eye of the Spanish Police and I found myself in charge of dealing with reservations and selling tickets. Christian meanwhile was deep in the forest with 5 young people at a refreshment station for the walkers. Unfortunately, he managed to get a puncture and couldn’t get the wheel off to change it. The Municipal Police went to get them and it was only later with the help of BMW assistance that he was able to get home under his own steam.

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