Saturday 18 June 2011

A Well-Filled Day

Duty won over pleasure this morning as we went on parade rather than go to the market. The 18th June marks de Gaulle’s call to the French to resist the occupying forces .....
" I, General de Gaulle, currently in London, invite the officers and the French soldiers who are located in British territory or who might end up here, with their weapons or without their weapons, I invite the engineers and the specialised workers of the armament industries who are located in British territory or who might end up here, to put themselves in contact with me. "Whatever happens, the flame of the French resistance must not be extinguished and will not be extinguished."

An apéritif to follow at the village hall, then lunch at the local bar rounded off the morning.
In the afternoon there was time for a little rest before we set off with Juste over the border to go to a cookery demonstration given by Dolores our favourite chef/restauranteur of the moment. the demo took place at a wine co-operative which also sold local food products which formed the basis of the recipes. There must have been about 30 of us all told and it was great fun. We came away with the recipes and drove to our next port of call which included a snack, well the tasting samples weren't very big, before taking our seats to watch Joséphine in her end of year flamenco show. The day didn't end there as after that it was back to Juste and Joséphine's for cava and a few more laughs. ps. I've no idea why this last paragraph has typed up in bold.

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