Tuesday 13 March 2012

Searching in Vain

The weather is still warm and sunny 21° so lunch overlooking the sea on the way home seemed like a good idea. As we'd never been there before, we thought we'd try one of the seaside towns to the north of Perpignan. We must have been looking in the wrong place or it was too early for anything to be open as we drew a blank in the 3 towns that we tried ..... though as you can see from the photo we did manage to find the sea. We gave up on the sea and decided on another restaurant we like near Perpignan but it was closed. Ended up in a restaurant who's only attachment to water was an ornamental tap on the terrace but we did have a very pleasant meal for a very reasonable price, so all was not lost!
Christian's council meeting was unexpectedly cancelled as the Maire had to go up into the mountains where someone had died when his car went off the road into a ravine.

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