Sunday 4 March 2012

A Sorry Tale

We should have gone to the Auvergne for a few days to meet up with Christophe and the family but instead spent spent the time trying to find a comfortable place to rest. Started off languishing on the settee, then stayed in bed and was waited on by Christian who has become chief cook and bottle washer. Then tried the bedroom downstairs which was abandoned after two days ... well, there's nothing like your own bed especially when you're not feeling so good. Saw the GP on Thursday who has referred me for hip and leg xrays next week and had visits from Michel, Anne , Joséphine, Jean, Françoise and Ethel who tried some Reiki on me.
Today, we should have gone to Barcelona with Juste and Joséphine for an overnight to celebrate Christian's birthday tomorrow but it was not to be.

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