Sunday 11 March 2012

Tea for 50

The last few days have been up and down. I think that the problem is that when I've taken the pain killers my leg feels ok so I try and do things in the house when in fact I should still be resting.The xrays didn't show up anything, however, I do think my 3 sessions of physio a week are doing me good as I'm slowly reducing the amount of "little helpers" I'm taking.
Today, I ventured out to the square where the Association was holding its get-together to mark International Women's Day. As usual, tea, coffee, cakes and hot chocolate were served to the women by a few willing males which as usual included Christian. I contented myself with sitting and selling raffle tickets.
At the end of it all, the Mayor suggested that we join him, Jeannie, Pierre and Bridget (the in-laws) for lunch somewhere. Christian came up with Pont de Molins. As he treated us, I guess he was well pleased with the good meal we had. The weather was pleasant enough for us to sit out on the terrace overlooking the river where a cormorant was sitting majestically on some driftwood, to have our coffee and for Pierre to smoke his pipe.

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