Thursday 31 May 2012

Better late than Never

Only about six months late but finally made it to Perpignan for my "annual" check up. Still, Joséphine who came with me was 2 years over due for hers. We went on the bus using the Département's great deal of 1€/journey. It was very hot so we didn't bother to trail the shops, opting instead to call in and see Emilie and the new baby.
The biggest decision of the day was where to eat and this ever-faithful bloodhound sniffed out a great wee place in one of the small back streets. The food was great and the owner entertained us with stories of when he was a dancer in Paris and other witicisms.
Only cloud on the horizon was that on the way back, Joséphine realised that she's lost her car keys. Juste came to the rescue so, this little drama didn't turn into a crisis.
The evening was spent quietly enough watching 'Les Femmes du 6ème Etage' about Spanish cleaners who live abouve grand apartments in 1960's Paris. The version we watched on dvd had subtitles so if you should come across it, it's a fun film to watch.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Heading for Paradise!

No don't worry, we're both fit and well; the Paradise here is the largest brothel in Europe and the garage where we take the car to get the dents and scratches magicked away is right behind it. Today it was Martine's business that we put their way and she was well pleased with the estimate. So, good deed done we were able to have the rest of the day to ourselves or so we thought but more of that later.
Went and had a coffee by the river in the shade of a parasol and watched the world go by for quite sometime. After that we sought out a new restaurant that I'd found out about in a place which is called Cinclaus. There are five buildings there, hence the name which means "five keys". There's a tiny little locked-up church dating from the 10th century. The restaurant is in an old farmhouse which once belonged to a Catalan writer and is full of old furntiture and ornaments. The food and service was as good as the reviews on the internet said.... a good wee find to add to our list of recommendable eating places.
Came home with rain threatening and were in the process of knocking back a welcome cuppa when Christian received a call asking him to go to meeting. Fortunately he'd had a good lunch as he didn't get home until midnight and to top it all, apparently it was an acrimonious and frustrating meeting. All in a day's work, I suppose.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Roses Grow on You

Feeling as if there's been too much excess over the last few days, it's hot and I'd the Association newsletter to deliver. Dragged my feet somewhat but perked up as I became aware of the scent from the roses and syringa which was just lovely. Christian had his routine check up at the cardiologist's and I'm pleased to say that all was well.

Monday 28 May 2012

In the Pink

Caught the sun yesterday so am looking a bit pink today. No restaurant planned, thank goodness but we did wander over to the bar for a glass of wine before a salad lunch. In the afternoon we were invited to the Mayor's for tea (Mum was impressed!)as were Henry and Michelle. In the evening it was our turn to play host to James, Nick and Lizzie who came for an apéritif dinatoire which lasted until after midnight.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Champagne Socialists

Finally got around to using our "Groupon" coupon for a seafood meal in a restaurant in St Cyprien. Don't know if you've come across this internet marketing scheme but it has mixed reviews. Went with Juste and Joséphine and I have to say that none of us was disappointed. The restaurant was right by the sea, the staff were really friendly (we had wondered if there would be a difference as we were on a promotional deal)and the platter was copious.A walk along the front was called for after wading our way through the meal and then it was back to Juste and Joséphine's to finish off the champagne that had been opened for a before lunch apéritif.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Double Rations

The market was really lively this morning with lots of "bandas" playing in the streets. don't know why but we went to the local auberge for lunch and while Christian was happy with his kidneys, I feel that it's not enough that the owners are nice people. We'd have had a better meal at the new place and in nicer surroundings. Still Christian feels that we should spread our custom around ... and we were booked with David and Laura in the new restaurant this evening! Had a good meal and were "treated" which was more than generous of them. By chance Henri and Michelle (the Mayor's friends) were also there with friends of theirs so we invited them back to ours for some champagne which rounded off the day nicely.

Friday 25 May 2012


Apparently while I'm making progress with my Spanish, my accent leaves a lot to be desired. It's the same in French and I've been at that for years. Tried the new restaurants apéritif formula of a glass of wine and a plate of cheese and charcuterie. Then to be even handed we toddled across to the bar and had another glass there. Well, the holiday weekend (Whit) is about to start.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Art, Wine, Food and Friends

The usual language exchange followed by the bar this morning and the local wine bar this evening. James, a New Zealander, married to an American who has a holiday home here was in action at the local wine bar. He uses a knife rather than a brush and it was fascinating to watch him work. What was just as fascinating was watching the young chef on his break watching James. As well as James there was a wine to sample, tapas to eat and discussion with Juste, Joséphine, Gaby and Robert. The young wine maker was passionate about his work and we decided that the association should organise a visit to the vineyard at the time of the grape harvest. Ended the evening with a nightcap at Juste and Joséphine's and another discussion about national and local politics with Christian having to take some stick from Joséphine about the poor upkeep of the grass verges.

Wednesday 23 May 2012


Hard to believe that we've been here for 15 years! It's just as warm now as it was then. Just hope that the rain that came in a few days later and continued more on than off for six weeks is not repeated.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Bridging the Gap

While we'd been away, Juste had been busy in the kitchen with a paint brush so today, had to put everything back in place.I know, boring but it's better to read about it than have to do it! Caught up with the last two episodes of "The Bridge" which had a sad ending and left you wondering what would become of Saga and Martin. Still, didn't have time to dwell on it as we were invited to join Juste and Joséphine at the bar for a drink and tapas and then finished off here with chocolate and a nightcap.Oh yes, and we were able to admire Juste's new teeth!

Monday 21 May 2012


There was no time to catch up with sleep as it was the Association's trip to Capmany for a guided visit and wine tasting at one of the wineries, lunch in Garriguella and a visit to St Quirze to see the monastery and the standing stone. 27 of us and yours truly was the organiser. All went well apart from the heavy rain in the afternoon which I couldn't do anything about!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Good to be Home

Today we had a pretty tight schedule. An early lunch with Valérie and Guillaume before our 2 hour drive back to the airport. This time I managed not to injure myself which is just as well as the knee is still stiff. Arrived back to Béziers to heavy rain and home to next-to-nothing in the fridge. Only option was to go to the restaurant for a wind down, glass or two of wine and something to eat.

Saturday 19 May 2012

70 and Looking Good!

Weather still dull and miserable. Christian went to watch Jean play football and i buried my nose in a book. "Sea of poppies" by Amitav Ghosh.Enjoyed the story, the history and well drawn images of life at the time of the 1st Opium War(how we reap as we sowed!) but I have to say that the mish-mash of pidgin-English which I didn't always understand left me wondering how much of the interactions I missed out on.
The evening was Janine's 70th birthday celebrations and the reason for our visit. The setting in the tennis club gave wonderful views over to the marina and a wide expanse of sea busy with shipping coming and going into the Port.

Friday 18 May 2012

Travel and Twist

Luckily we didn't have to leave for our trip to Normandy until late afternoon on Wednesday. Flew from Béziers to Beauvais and then hired a car to get us to Christophe's. Pity our luck didn't hold .... I managed to twist my knee getting into Ryanair's confined seating space. Result was that it became swollen and I spent the best part of the next day in bed sleeping. some "bank holiday". Still, it was wet so I was perhaps best off snuggled down. I did manage to get up to join everyone for a cuppa in the afternoon when Valérie's Mum and Dad came around.
today we thought we'd remenice a little with a trip to Honfleur and a nice lunch of seafood. We had neither Honfleur which has sprouted loads of new hotels and was cosequently hyper-busy nor the seafood. Ate instead in this place which was fine. This evening it was our turn to do dinner and we opted for prawns and smoked salmon

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Guardez l'eau!

House is quiet but there's been plenty to do ... work for the association, Spanish with Anne, emptying the kitchen ready for Juste to come and paint and catching up with two month's worth of posts for this blog! But as you all know, all work and no play ....
Last night we were invited around to Margaret's even though they'd just come back from Valencia to find that there was a leak coming from the new bathroom. Lots of laughs and several bottles later we eventually left after 1am! I think we must have been making too much noise out in the narrow little cul-de-sac that she lives on as someone threw some water out of the window! Wasn't me, honest! I reckon it was Jean that was the culprit, gov!
PS. If you're wondering about the photo, it was taken from Margaret's back garden. I love poppies and these were just a riot of colour.

Sunday 13 May 2012

From Host to Guest

The run to the airport went without mishap and we were sad to see Ann and Noel go. However, it was a good mixture of a week with some chill out time and new discoveries with day - to- day village life thrown in along the way.As the airport is only 20 minutes from where Piere and Marie-Christine, it was a great opportunity to catch up with them having missed the planned rendez-vous in the Auvergne in February because of my back/leg problem. In fact, we haven't seen them since they started their b&b, this time last year so there was lots to chat about. Rather than eat in, they treated us to lunch in Alet where there was a "vide grenier" going on. We passed on this but enjoyed our lunch in the local hotel which is et in a magnificent park next to the ruined abbey. Came home and caught up with the latest episode of "The Bridge".

Saturday 12 May 2012

Road to Recovery

Noel's feeling better today which is just as well as it was market day and the event that he'd arrange the holiday around. Sun was shining so no problems there. Had a "light" lunch at Juste and Joséphine's where we were joined by the baby and her Mum and Dad. Next on the agenda was a visit to Geneviève's, an artist in the village who was taking part in an "open doors" weekend. Much to my disappointment she was only selling her oil paintings so I didn't buy anything.
In the evening the local music association had a grillade in the village hall with entertainment thrown in. An all round fun time but with an earlyish start to make tomorrow, we didn't stay for too long at the end.

Friday 11 May 2012

Missing Out

Yesterday was another quiet day with the language exchange for me (no committee meeting as the others were either ill or on holiday)and a glass of wine in the bar at lunch time for us all. Noel is suffering with the start of a cold which either came from Margaret and Jean or the plane. Went along to the museum in the afternoon to have a look at the exhibition and not much else.
Today Noel has kept to his bed while we took advantage of the warm sunshine to go take Ann to Mas Salelles for lunch. A bit of a shame for Noel as it was his treat! A walk at the lake, home through the mountains stopping off to have a cuppa at Coxita's meant that Noel didn't see much of us before we went over to Michel and Sylvie's for apéritifs+.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day Trippers

The weather gods were with us as although cloudy in the morning, the day turned out warm and sunny in the end. 18 of us from the association went to La Bisbal, a town in Spain where ceramics are made. There was a guided tour of the town but we gave that a miss, prefering to sit in a cafe and watch the world go by. Lunch was good in a stylish restaurant and one and all seemedmore than happy with what they had. The afternoon was spent at the botanic gardens which were just beautiful. The location was divine, lookig down onto a deep blue Mediterranean Sea. Resisted the temptation on the way back to accept Joséphine's invitation for a cuppa as Christian had a committee meeting at the Mairie. Came home to find that our back door had been tided up and repainted; it looked good but Christian was surprised that it had taken 5 hours to do it.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Non Stop

Yesterday was a chill out day for Ann and Noel apart from Noel having forgotten one lot of medication but it was a problem soon sorted.
Today however, has been quite a contrast with lots going on. Two official ceremonies in commemoration of 8th May (end of the 2WW, an apéritif in the village hall, followed by an apéritif in the bar, followed by lunch in the bar. Margaret, David and Jean came around in the evening for cava and tapas and there endeth a full on day!

Sunday 6 May 2012

A New Dawn?

Up and off this morning to the Carcassonne airport to collect Anne and Noel. Lovely to see them and no doubt have a load of laughs over the week that they're here. Had lunch out, just outside the village and thoroughly enjoyed the buffet hors d'oevres which included a lot of fish and seafood.
Next came a short rest for before Christian headed off into the mountains for the 2nd round count. Polls have been less favourable to Hollande so fingers are crossed. We went along for the count in the village which Ann and Noel found interesting.
Yeeeees! A change in view with the election of François Hollande and that needed celebrating so we made for Juste and Joséphine's with a bottle of champagne as did Jean and Marie-Lourdes.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Tapas, Telly and Ironing

Saturday kicked off as usual with the market but we came back to the village fo ra glass of wine in the sun. Met up with Michel, François and Danielle , who's on the council with Christian and then went over to the restaurant for a plate of tapas. In the evening we caught up with Jean-Jacques and Michelle over an apéritif. While still receiving treatment seems to be doing much better. They're away again soon but are planning to move back here and continue treatment locally. Came back and for some crazy reason did two hours of ironing while we watched "The Bridge", yet another gripping Scandinavian crime series.

Friday 4 May 2012

In need of Sun

Finally got around to seeing my GP with my blood test results. She gave me 19/20! I couldn't believe that the cholesterol and sugar were ok with all the eating and drinking we've been doing of late. The only "thing that needs attention is the Vitamin D which everyone seems to be on about at the moment. I've a capsule to take once a month for 3 months and then we'll see.
Tonight there was a vernissage with improvised dance by way of entertainment. Maria who teaches flamenco, was both model and dancer and here she is waiting to emerge from one of the huge barrels in the museum. We bought one of the pieces and then came back to our place with Juste and Joséphine to eat the pizza that she'd made.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Soirée Vigneronne

It was nearly cancelled due to a lack of bookings but finally the wine tasting and meal to go withthe wines chosen went ahead. Martine, Harry and Sue came around to ours for an apéritif before hand even though there were apéritifs included in the meal. It was all very well done, with tasty food (I had duck, now there's a surprise, as I didn't fancy the beef cheek which was part of the set menu - loyalty pays off), good conversation with the vigneronne and of course plenty to drink. What was nice was there was no hard sell and no price list. Word in the village was that at 49€ it was too expensive but I reckon we had our money's worth with a good all round experience.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Patience is a Virtue

Had an appointment at the bank and had to wait and had an appointment to have our hair cut and had to wait. Still, we have a better deal on house insurance and the haircuts met with approval.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

All Aboard!

Bye, bye twins and would you believe, the sun is back! Next year it's our turn to make the long journey up there but we'll just bank on rain. Well, it is Normandy which is known for its lush green pastures. The Mayor and his wife invited us to join Henri and Michelle at the village restaurant for lunch, so before hand we invited them around for an apéritif. Much to our surprise they split the bill only two ways. Not quite sure what we've done to deserve it but there you are. Afterwards we were invited back to André and Jeannine's for coffee and cake in the garden. The evening was spent, needless to say, quietly enough.