Thursday 27 September 2012


All good things come to an end and our trip to Sicily was no exception while it's always good to go home, we were left feeling that we'd like to go back to Sicily and spend more time sightseeing. In order to have a contrast from the tourist trail, a couple of days in Syracuse to hang out in the cafés is equally appealing.
We left Joséphine with her Mum for a couple of extra days and luckily we had plenty of time at the airport before our flight as it took over an hour to get the hire car sorted. There was a scrape on the back side which left us with a surprising bill of nearly 300€ once we were home. Of course tye money was taken directly from the credit card and proved impossible to get any details. Just had to grin and bear it.
The weather was cooler on arrival and within a couple of hours of being home, I was trying to catch up with association stuff as it's the AGM tomorrow.

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