Sunday 16 September 2012

Taking to the Skies!

Ironing, packing and a coffee in the bar before we set off with Juste and Joséphine for the airport and our flight to Trapani. All went well though it took a bit of time to get our hire car which had scratches that hadn't been recorded. Drove to Palermo, about 1½ hours away in warm sunshine. With the help of our GPS we found our hotel in the Porta di Castro, a rather grubby looking street. ,
Behind closed doors, it was another story. The place was charming, lots of interesting features and comfortable rooms. Alessandro, the owner/manager recommended a good reasonably priced restaurant looking out onto a square where the locals were taking their evening stroll.Apart from the overflowing dustbins on the way to to the restaurant, we were off to a promising start.

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