Friday 7 September 2012

Some Work, Lot's of Play!

Even though it was Sunday, Nick came around and we tried to sort out some of the website issues. I learnt a bit more about working with the site and have a couple of things to try viz-a-viz the photos. He stayed for an apéritif before he went home to Lizzie and we headed to the restaurant where we had a lovely meal of a beetroot starter with goat's cheese cream, chicken with grapes and a new take on cold rice pudding.
By chance, Michèle and Henri came in with a couple of friends and ended up sitting next to us. Now Henri, an ex-rugby player, is a pretty big bloke and the restaurant is small and he ended up knocking a glass of red wine of Christian. Imagine our surprise when we went to pay and found that he had already done so. We could have bought a new pair of jeans for the price of the meal!
Later on we were invited up to Juste and Joséphine's to watch the flamenco group rehearse outside and have a bbq even though it was still windy and chilly.
Website work and then in the evening the monthly pilgrimage up to the mountains for Christian's surgery and our meal at the restaurant. Not as sophisticated as yesterday but nonetheless very tasty
Went over to the bar to collect some figs that the Mayor had left for us and decided to stay for lunch.Going more downmarket as the week goes on!
Tonight, there were no excuses to go out to eat as I'd invited people here to help eat a leg of wild boar that Maggie had given me awhile ago (don't worry it was in the freezer). Around the table were Izzy and Richard, who are in the village on holiday, Jean, who is still in his wheelchair and Thérèse, Juste and Joséphine. Just look at the cake that Izzy brought ... it was scrummy. Finished off the evening down in the cave with music from Jean. Not quite sure what time we went to bed but there were an awful lot of bottles to go out the next day!
Committee meeting, language exchange and more website stuff, so that counts as "work" and Christian has been at the Mairie everyday.
This morning was neither work nor play as we went to the funeral of one of the Association's members at the crematorium. Only 63, Babette was diagnosed and dead withing 6 weeks. Such a kind and friendly person,never wanting to be in the limelight. She and her husband came on the trip to Scotland and just loved every minute.
Gaby, Robert, Maggie and ourselves felt the need for a bit of time together after the ceremony that lasted less than 10 minutes, so came back to the bar for a coffee, yeeees, a coffee, though we did have a rosé afterwards. Decided to go on to Mas Salelles for lunch which helped us to get back to normal and raise the bar foodwise.
Once home, it was time to work and prepare stuff for the forum tomorrow where associations lay out their "stall" in an effort to recruit new members. Was up until 1.30am and there were no bottles to take out the next day!

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