Monday 24 September 2012

Donkey Seranade

A day's sightseeing was in store for us and impressive it was too. Juste, our chauffer took us to the old town of Erice, high up on a hill with it's narrow streets and Norman tower. Here we were serenenaded by an old man with his donkey (not the Donkey Serenade)which thankfully, didn't join in. Had lunch back down in Trampani where there was a huge and I mean huge, Thomson cruise ship in port. The restaurants were either "tourist c..p or too expensive so we took a back road and eventually found an empty restaurant serving very ordinary food which didn't turn
out to be that cheap. With hindsight we should have gone for the c..p as at least the view would have been more interesting. Still you can't win 'em all.
The evening meal back at the Mama's was another large affair but the mozzies were active as were the flying ants so we were driven inside. There were 11 at the table with assorted nephews and their wives dropping in and out at regular intervals.

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