Friday 14 December 2012

We Wrinklies

Yes, time to search out the high heels and any clothing that sparkled to keep up with the other participants at the OAP Christmas lunch. The meal was good, the wine flowed and we danced until our feet were tired. All apart from the Madison, that is. I can't stand those collective scripted dances. Probably because I can't remember the steps. There wasn't much time to have a rest before it was time to head out for December's vernissage. We had a vested interest in this one as the Cancer Support association of which our friend, Penny is President, was showing paintings that had been donated. All the proceeds were going to the association. There was a good turn out (nothing to do with the mulled wine and Christmas cake, I'm sure) and being very reasonably priced, the paintings sold well. We bought one of Port Vendres, though where we'll put it is another story!

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