Thursday 28 February 2013

Before and After

The main event yesterday was a trip to that great metropolis, Perpignan. Christian had an appointment with a cardio-vascular specialist. The appointment was for 3.15pm and Christian finally got in to see the man himself at 5.30pm to be told that he needed a scan before the specialist could decide on the best course of action. Ah well, so be it.
Today was more fun, however, Language Exchange/Mairie in the morning, followed by the usual apéritif and the ever more usual Thursday lunch at the restaurant. It was excellent, the evidence is there for you all to see. In the afternoon while Christian siestered, I helped Penny take down the exhibition at the museum, in the process taking possesion of the painting, that she'd given us for all our help. Afternoon tea followed before I abandoned Christian again to go back to the restaurant for the monthly apéritif with les anglaises.

Monday 25 February 2013

Ee By Gum!

Yesterday we spent the day quietly enough before going over to Joséphine's for a soirée crèpes. Juste is away in Paris but their young cocker spaniel kept us well entertained. He's a real poppet but sadly didn't stand still long enough to take an in-focus photo.
Today, "Yorkshire Maggie" as Diana always calls her held a Yorkshire Pudding demonstration at her house. 15 French and British participants tucked into "Toad  in the Hole" ("Crapaud dans le Trou" doesn't quite cut it, does it?) and individual puds served with roast fillet of beef. The beef just melted in the mouth and so it should at an eye-watering 98€ for just less than 2kg.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Two Restaurants and a Funeral

Lunch at the restaurant on Thursday, then yesterday the funeral of  someone who had been in the French Resistance and who had been deported to Dachau wearing the red triangle of "political" prisoners. He was 91. Today's memories are much more fun. An invitation to Michèle's birthday lunch in a local restaurant followed by champagne back at her house. Quite honestly, we were surprised to have been invited as we haven't known her and Henri for long, having met them through the Mayor and his wife who are friends from way, way back. Sadly, the ee car made it all the way home safely only to have a super scrape once inside the garage! Hey ho! 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Good Triumphs!

Until today, we've done nothing extaordinary. Didn't even go to the market on Saturday as Christian had a meeting at the Mairie. It was therefore a welcome change to travel out of the village to Béziers for a bit of "culture". Joséphine's flamenco group organised tickets for the ballet "Fuenteovejuna" as choreographed by Antonio Gades, that told the story of a tyrannical lord who was finally overthrown by the long-suffering villagers. The hansome lad wed the bonnie lass and life went on better than before. It was beautifully done with elements of flamenco and folk dance and there is a clip on "Youtube", if you're interested

Friday 15 February 2013

A Good Meal at Last

During my fed up moments yesterday, I almost convinced myself to pull a sickie and stay in bed rather than going to Spanish. In the end, I did go and was pleased that I did as there were only two of us there. Nick came down in the afternoon and talked me through backing up the site which, by the way, I'd caught up with. Christian went to the Mairie, of course, as he's due to get the bulletin out again.
Rowena and Cindy are having an exhibition locally and tonight was their vernissage which we went along to. They have some very pretty stuff on show, so let's hope they sell well.
Christian was still in search of a restaurant meal that would make up for our disappointments over the last couple of days and wanted to check out the new Chinese restaurant that Nick had spoken about. Didn't find it so went to the restaurant in the village and had an excellent meal; a bit over the top but we had a lot to make up for. Just goes to show that that the grass isn't always greener.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Fed Up Big Time

A good breakfast with homemade bread, served by a charming young woman who spoke English was a good start to the day and the sun was shining. things are looking up. Went to l'Estartit, had a good walk and a hot chocolate before setting off in search of a well quoted restaurant in an old mill. So, good food and character ... yes! Fingers crosed and yesterday will be just a memory. should have known better. For some reason, the map of Spain had disappeared from the Tomtom so several wrong turns later, we eventually found it in the middle of nowhere and ...... it was closed for the holidays. How unfair is that? We took a deep breath and determined to have a good meal in pleasant surroundings we headed off country to a restaurant that Michel and Sylvie had recommended and if by by chance, it was closed there was the golf course close by with it's 4* hotel so surely all would be well. But, oh no. the restaurant was only open at weekends and the view overlooking the golf course and the Pyrenees didn't make up for the lack luster lunch that we ate in slendid isolation. Came home via Joséphine's where a cuppa revived the spirits and yes, tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Best Laid Plans

We didn't manage to get away for an overnight in January but we weren't going to fall into the same trap this month. A night in a very nice looking B & B about 1½ hours from here, in a restored farmhouse in a small medieval village, has been booked for awhile. Left home about 10.30am full of expectations of finding small, intimate restaurants full of character to eat fine food and drink good wine. Alas, the places that I'd ear marked were either closed for the day which, I have to admit, is often a Wednseday or closed for holidays. Drove through several pretty villages and found nothing open. In desparation we ate in a hostal with a full carpark; not surprising as the 3 course menu complete with wine and bottled water was only 10€ a head. It wasn't bad but not as I'd imagined. Being a romantic at heart is sure to lead to disappointment, is it not?
Still, we did have a stroll along the prom in Palamos in the sun and a visit to a Jam "Museum"! Endless varieties of jam at an eyewatering price to chose from, all sorts of paraphanalia to buy or look at and a lovely smell wafting under your nostrils was the sum total on offer. Bought two postcards and some rice which is grown in the surrounding area. Well, we don't eat jam anyway and we're always being given jars of the stuff which is there for any visitors who come to stay.
Our B & B, however, had lots of beams, exposed stone, was tastefully decorated and didn't disppoint. As usual we'd taken a bottle of fizz and a couple of flutes with us so we set off in better spirits for the only restaurant of the three in the village that was open . Yes, Wednesday closing day for one and holidays for the other. The restaurant was ok but on the ordinary side, so once again no fine dining. Never mind, tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

A Heart Stopping Moment

While working on the Association's website, it disappeared completely. Nick, who is the brains behind it, had a few anxious moments too but managed to get us back to a previous version .. so, only a month's worth of work to redo. It could have been sooooooo much worse and the moral of the story is ..... take a regular back up.

Monday 11 February 2013

Changed days

Apart from unloading Maggie's van and putting things from last night back into our cupboard and the left over booze into our cave, to be stored, I hasten to add, yesterday was a lazy day.
Today was busier. Opened up for the Calligraphy workshop at 9am and then had Spanish with Anne. Afterwards we went to meet Anne and Henry for lunch along with David and Laura. There was a biting wind and our two brave Scots have decided to go home a few days early as their house here is too cold! Tea at ours with Annie and Graham was cancelled as they had to stay and deal with a leaky roof. Finally, there was a public meeting organised by the Municipal Police and the Gendarmerie about household security. The area has been hit recently by a wave of burglaries but thankfully, the intruders seem to have moved on to fresh pickings. Once the meeting was over, a supper was laid on for the two speakers and members of the council who were there. I've never been so close to uniforms in my life since Christian has been at the Mairie. I'd never have thought in the 70's while on regular demos that a few decades later I'd be at the same table as 'les forces de l'ordre'!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Tapas and Hats

The association's winter tapas evening took place this evening in the village hall. To ring the changes we asked peole to wear a hat or some kind of headgear. It was a great idea (even if I do say so myself)seving as an icebreaker and with some creations giving a laugh. We dug out Christian's Chinese hat, complete with pigtail and I wore my tartan viking helmet, complete with horns. Setting up, meeting and greeting, clearing up, cleaning up and general organising, Maggie and I did more than our fair share while dare I say it, others on the committee floated about .... are we bitter and twisted? You can bet your life we're starting to be! Even so, we still enjoyed ourselves and there's a great view living on the moral high ground! Ended the evening with David, Laura and Martine back at ours for a nightcap and this time Christian's toe remained unscathed.

Friday 8 February 2013

Time Well Spent

It was very cold yesterday and it passed moe or less like most Thursdays. Christian is suffering with a sore little toe and he nearly went through the roof of the bar when Laura stood on it. Cheered him up with lunch at the restaurant. In the evening we had hoped to go and see the Ken Loach film set in Glasgow but Christian had a full Council meeting so that, of course, took precedence.
Today we took Maggie (for her birthday ages ago) and Anne (for helping me with Spanish)to lunch. While there, we sussed out the possibility of playing boules now that our favourite place has closed down. The young patron was most enthusiastic, so as well as having a good lunch, we managed to solve a problem. Now that's what I call making useful contacts.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Long time No See

Braved the cold this evening to go to Jean and Françoise's for an apéritif dinatoire. A good way of catching up with friends without a late night. Well, there were two cardiacs who need to be kept an eye on!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Lunch Club

Joséphine is up in Paris and Sylvie works all day so we invited their two grass widowers for lunch. Guacamole dip with apéritfs, Pork and Bean Stew, which was pretty good and will become part of my repetoire and crèpes supplied by Michel.You can find the basic recipe for the pork at I used parsnips instead of sweet potato and added garlic, an onion and preserved lemon.
The weather is cold in the morning but sunny and warm in the afternoon so it was a real pleasure to go out and deliver the association newsletters. Christian, on the other hand went to the chiropodist who suggested an ointment for his little toe that is still infected. Poor soul, it's really playing him up.
Tonight there was another guitar evening at the bar which was slightly less well attended but it's good to support Jean-Louis and there's always plenty of people to catch up with.

Sunday 3 February 2013

A little Work and a lot of Play

Apart from Christian's visit to the specialist to see about his artery problem, the upshot of which is that he needs surgery to sort it out, the weekend was about having a bit of social time. Friday afternoon we were invited to a 66th birthday tea part chez Anne. French, Brits, Danes and she is Catalan, united over a very gooey cake, wine, muscat and tea.Then in the evening we defended our last quiz victory but this time only managed 2nd place equal with the Mayor's team. That makes, each of us having won one and now a draw, so no hard feelings which we sealed over a nightcap at his house.
Yesterday we didn't bother with the market, it was blowing a gale so the telly seemed much more inviting. Well, there was "Silent Witness", which seems to be getting more and more gruesome, to catch up with. By the time I got around to doing the dessert that I'd promised to take to Maggie's in the evening, it was late afternoon. I hadn't been able to decide between a chocolate, ginger or coconut cake and what do you know? I found a recipe in one of those excellent Australian Women's Weekly cookbooks with all three ingredients. That was the good news. The bad news was that I'd put the oven shelf in lopsided so the cake came out .... lopsided. My first reaction was to run out to the bakers to buy something but one was closed and the other was sold out. In the end, I fell back on Delia's "Christmas Dried Fruit Compot", a favourite rapid store cupboard faithful and cut the cake into small squares to go with it.The cake actually tasted pretty good and I've just had a look to see if I could find the recipe on their site to share with you but there were 1851 results for chocolate ginger cake, so if you're interested you'll have to search for yourself! Maggie fed us (Martine,David & Laura)venison and Yorkshire Pudding washed down with several bottles of wine.
Today, the wind is as strong as ever 130km/hour but we ventured out to our favourite restaurant to see for ourselves if the rumours of its closure are true. They are. What a blow! You'll know if you're a regular reader of this blog, just how often we've eaten there. I feel really disappointed that José said when we were there on the 1st that they were reopening on 1st February after a holiday. Where on earth are we going to go instead and eat such good food for an exceptional price? You know what they say? If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Decided to cut across country to Sant Llorenç de la Muga to another favourite restaurant of ours which we hadn't been to for a long, long time. Well, we'd found Mas Salelles which was a lot closer. First of all, we had to double back when we found the road blocked by a fallen tree. We tried to help another motorist move it out of the way but with no luck. Luckily, restaurants stay open for lunch till about 4pm as the other restaurant was closed as well. Only open between 23 June and 31st August which seems strange as it has rooms too. Quite an investment to leave idle. Ended up in a traditional Catalan restaurant, where despite it being Sunday, there were only another 4 diners. more proof that the crisis is hitting hard, especially in Spain.
A cheery note to end on .... Christian is looking well, isn't he?