Thursday 2 October 2014

Summer's Back!

Coffee at the bar, language exchange al fresco, apéritif, lunch at the restaurant. Christian went for all three courses off the menu du jour, obviously determined to have a good last meal before the delights of hospital food.
Jean-Jacques played chauffeur and went off to do a bit of shopping while Christian was admitted (patients have to leave a [returnable] cheque of 150€ in case of their insurance not covering all the "domestic" charges). He saw the anaethestist again and again we had a good discussion about Britian and France for at least 15 minutes. Once he went a very nice young woman came in to shave Christian and bring his sexy paper gown for theatre and then along came the nurse to go over his meds. Barring emergencies they'll wake him at 5am to get ready as he's first on the list. All being well, he'll be home on Saturday. 
27° Sun and blue skies

Somehow there was a mix up with Christian's appointment with the anaesthestist; it wasn't at 11h15 as we thought but at 15h45 so there was a wasted journey to Perpignan. When we finally met the man himself, he turned out to be really charming. Chatty, took his time with Christian  and was a great fan of the UK. He said that he could say that he'd had a successful day, if he'd been able to speak English!
In the evening I went to a French pronunciation group which I'm going to go to until Christmas instead of Spanish. After that I'll see if I can find someone to have 1:1 Spanish with in exchange for English. Then followed a meeting about the twinning visit. 54 Normans arrive on the 11th and we're putting up 3 of them.
27° Sun and blue skies

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