Sunday 29 March 2015

Books, Birthdays and Ballots

Another very lazy morning and afternoon too , come to think of it. Second Round of the Départmental elections. Hurray, the Front National didn't win any Départements but the Sarkozy right came in well ahead of the socialists. the Pyrénees Oriental stayed left, much to our relief even though there were a couple of tiny villages near here that voted FN. difficult to understand why.
Votes cast:  1200
Socialists: 695              FN: 421
Spoilt papers: 25          Blank papers: 89

Gave the market a miss and did a repeat performance of yesterday afternoon until it was time to go to Nicole's (a French member of the association) to celebrate her birthday. Only 3 of the 14 of us there were French; luckily for Christian, he sat next to the other French person, so didn't feel too outnumbered. Lizzie played her violin and Bente (Danish) played her accordian and after "Happy Birthday" and "Congratulations", we had a rendition of "what shall we do with the drunken sailor?" by special request from our hostess. I remember, on  the association's trip to Scotland in 2011 that Nicole sang it with great gusto, showing us all another side to her normally very restrained manner. After sangria and canapés, the meal was a delicious couscous accompanied by Sidi Brahim, a Moroccan wine, mint tea and of course, birthday cake.
18° Blue skies, sun and strong winds

David and Laura who are the first of the expat Spring arrivals, called in briefly for coffee. In the evening Jean-Jacques came for supper; in between, Christian snoozed and I read and read using my ipod. Much to my surprise, I've made the transition without any problem at all. Perhaps sooner or later my eyes will tell a different story but for now, I'm just loving it's ease and convenience.
Oh yes, a present of a solar powered waving Queen arrived from Rowena. She'd been sent one by a friend and thought as it cheered her up, it would do the same for us as we continue to negotiate the medical system! Kitsch or what? I just hope that we don't start waving back!
16° Sunny but still windy
In the News:
The "German Wings" pilot should have been on sick leave

Christian had an appointment with his GP at 11am this morning so we lingered even longer than usual in bed, leaving Thérèse free to get on with doing downstairs.
The results of Christian's latest blood test revealed that he's badly anaemic which explains in a large part why he's so breathless when he makes the least effort and is constantly tired. So there'll be a new set of tests to do. It can't be easy for him to have to fight on so many fronts. xxxx
Afterwards we had lunch at the restaurant; well, it being Thursday and us being creatures of habit, why wouldn't we?
14° Sun, wind and Canigou has a thick layer of snow down to quite low levels.
In the News:
Did the "German Wings" pilot commit suicide?

Today, Henri was in the kitchen to prepare a choucroute. I won't bore you again with a description of what it is. Also present were André, Nany and Jean-Jacques. Nany and I staggered from the table before the others as our flower making duty called. Next week should be the last with any luck and perhaps I can then join the walking group for a bit of exercise. In the evening, however, there was some vocal exercise with our penultimate pronunciation workshop. Did I ever say that our teacher is actually a German who speaks excellent English and French. Such is Europe, such is our village and long may it continue.
11° Tramantane blowing strongly making it feel a lot colder.
In the News:
International Slavery Rememberance Day "This year’s Day of Remembrance pays particular tribute to the many women who suffered and died during the slave trade. ... Women slaves played a key role in maintaining the dignity of their communities. Too often their leadership and brave resistance have been underestimated or forgotten." Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General
Met Nany to decide how we would decorate the square with the flowers that we're making for St Jordi at the end of April then retreated to the bar for a cuppa. Half an hour after leaving, I went back again to meet les Anglaises for our ritual "apérobio". Once more, Eve did us proud and there's little enthusiasm to go back to the restaurant with its more skimpy offerings.
12° Still wet and dismal.
In the News:
  • A "German Wings", (Lufthansa's low cost airline), flight between Barcelona and Dusseldorf  crashed in the French Alps with 150 people on board.
  • International Day for the Right to Truth concerning Gross Violations of Human Rights
13° A dull, drizzly day

Sunday 22 March 2015

Politics, Parades, Pizza and Pasta

For once, Christian didn't feel up to doing a stint at the polling station though of course he did go to vote.
In the village there was a 54.30% turnout; the Socialist party came out on top with 467 votes (40.79%), 2nd came the Front National with 296 votes (25.85%) then a right coalition with 258 (22.58%). As a result, there will be a two way fight next Sunday Socialist v FN.  Nationally, there was a lurch to the Sarkozy right. Let's hope tactical voting will keep the exterests out; where the Right confront the FN, the left have called for it's supporters to vote right rather than abstain; Sarkozy has urged a "ni, ni" vote ie, neither Socialist nor FN. Hardly in the interests of France, is it?
Not having had much of an appetite at lunch time, by the time it was all over at the Mairie, Christian was hungry and fancied going for a bite to eat. Sadly the restaurant was closed so we made do with the bar and you can be sure that I asked the price of the main course off the menu du jour before I ordered!
13° Dull and damp
In the News:
UN World Water Day

It's the first day of Spring and the weather isn't the least bit springlike. Yesterday Nicole, our neighbour  decorated all our doors with this little splash of colour and put a big basket of wild flowers at the start of our street to mark the change of season. sadly, I didn't take a photo of the basket and with all the rain she's prudently removed it so you'll have to make do with our door decoration which being more protected is faring better.
Arrived at the bank for our appointment and were immediately offered a cup of coffee with the nice young manager. He even credited a 20€ note that I'd torn a bit out of when it get stuck in my purse zip saying even if the Bank of France didn't accept it, he wouldn't deduct it as a goodwill gesture!
So, it was only natural that we should pay a round when we met up with Michèle, Henri and Jean from the village who gives me marmalade oranges. Needless to say, Henri pushed  for moving upstairs to have lunch and needless to say, we put up little resistance!
12° Heavy rain all day
In the News:
  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day
  • "Grande Marée", a rare phenomenon with tides in the channel and on the West coast rising 14m above normal, attracting tens of thousands of sightseers
We're now able to read on our wee devices thanks to Michel who got us organised in exchange for a cuppa. Sure it will be useful once we get into the habit.
Apart from 8 people dropping out between Monday and today, the meal out with the carnival group went ahead with 19 of us in an Italian restaurant. Some of us were even in costume. All good fun, the staff were very pleasant and Christian and I both made choices that we were pleased with. Even so,  the restaurant, won't be featuring on our best restaurants guide; it's in a shopping mall and part of a chain.
13° Sun and cloud
In the News:
Happy Birthday Little Sis!
Language exchange, bar then an excellent lunch at the restaurant. Chrisian at the Mairie.
The marching season started today with the first of this year's "patriotic ceremonies" as they are called, commemorating the end of the Algerian war. Brass band, flags, speaches and an apéritif.  You can just make out Christian in the police vehicle; not under arrest but getting a lift up to the war memorial. Afterwards Jean-Jacques came back home with us for supper and a bit of putting the village to rights.
17° sun
In the News:
5 babies found in a home freezer near Bordeaux.

Red and yellow flower making with the carnival group in preparation for St Jordi in April . What do you know? The date decided for the BBQ is now considered not to be the best one, so it's back to the drawing board.
Apart from that, there was just the pronunciation group which has now moved on to conversation after weeks of exercises. There were only 2 of us plus the prof so Roger and I had to do a lot more talking. What hardship!
14° cloudy and damp
In the News:
  • Despite strong indications  that the government would lose, Netanyahu has held on to power.
  • 20 people died (17 tourists) and 44 injured in a hostage attack at the Bado Museum, Tunis
St Patrick's Day, begorrah! Took a trip into Perpignan to buy some bits and bobs for tonight's celebration in the bar. A hat and bow tie for Christian; a wig for me. Came back and had lunch on the terrace of the bar in the sunshine where my one course which didn't merit the price (17€) cost the same as Christian's three course menu du jour. The evening was well attended with Jacques and some friends providing the music. We gave the Irish stew a miss and were home by 21h30.
17° Overcast, sunshine, light rain

Did a bit of networking today  putting one of the Deputy Maires at the Mairie who is President of a Departmental cancer awareness association in touch with Penny, a friend who's President of a cancer association helping English speakers. Quite like old times; rather miss it! Christian at the Mairie.
Two more meetings finished the day. The first with the carnival group to decide what to do with the money that we'd won. It took an absolute age to decide to use the bulk for next year and to organise a BBQ in April. Well, it would wouldn't it when everyone speaks at once, decisions are overturned as soon as they are made and the agenda is not adhered to! What went without a hitch was the enthusiastic acceptance of a proposition to go over the border for a meal on Friday. Just goes to show people like having decisions made for them!
The next meeting which was the socialist candidate's electoral meeting (Départmental elections are scheduled for next Sunday) was a rather more orderly affair. It will be interesting to see what happens. There's a lot of apathy and disillusionment around; the sitting candidate has been in for what seems like forever, the young pretender seems to have a well funded campaign and the FN are lurking in the background.
11° Overcast with some sun breaking through in the afternoon

Sunday 15 March 2015

In the Limelight

Apart from going to the bar this morning for a coffee, we spent the day by the fire with the tv and Sunday papers. Talking of which, there were two photos of yours truly, in the "Indépendant", the local paper. One with the carnival group; the second with the other  two winners of the raffle last Sunday.
10° Overcast with drizzle and light winds

Didn't bother with the market this morning and just contented ourselves with a coffee at the bar. The only other thing that we did was to attend a talk about the resistance/escapee network in the village. interesting even though the researcher wasn't very well organised. Of course, was only a partial picture and there are still lots of unanswered questions; collaboration still remains a sensitive subject.
12° cloudy
In the News:
Cyclone Pam hit Vanautu with winds of up to 340km/h!

Taking advantage of the beautiful weather, I went for a late coffee at the bar. Despite the work going on at the old Mairie, next door, it was relaxing and great to feel the sun. Christian came along later after a stint at the (new) Mairie and we felt so good  that rather than go home, we opted to have lunch there. A bit excessive as we were booked at the restaurant in the evening but it was such a pleasure that we couldn't have any regrets.
We were right to make the most of the sun as by the time Michel dropped in for a cuppa, it had started to rain. All that vitamin "D" worked wonders on the brain cells as our team (+ Jean-Jacques and Jacques) won the cinema quiz at the restaurant! Or maybe it was the killer dessert, a mousse of two different types of chocolate and a very rich fudgy sauce.Who says that Friday, 13th is unlucky?
18° Sun with rain later

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Starting to feel like Spring

What an interesting language exchange ..... we were treated to a lecture on plumbing from James! I was glad when midday came so that we could escape to the bar. After that it was off to the restaurant for lunch on the terrace with Carmen and Jean-Claude. It was or thank you for all the prepared wild rabbits they'd given us over the last year. Then in the evening, Christian had a council meeting from which he and Jean-Jacques came back totally fed up for supper. A couple of glasses of cava and a canapé platter soon sorted that.
18° Sun

Up in reasonable time to make a lemon drizzle cake (made from lemons off our very own tree) to take to Michel's for lunch. Jacques brought some foie gras and our host provided the chips, beer, wine and potjevleesch, ie, cold potted meats that I've mentioned before.
Came home feeling that we'd eaten far more than was good for us but still that's nothing but what a snoozette won't put right. I need to be on form for my French pronunciation class this evening, so I'll leave you to your own devices while I go off to get my head down. zzzzzzzzzzz

24° sunny

A lovely sunny day that just invited us to head over to the bar for a coffee on the terrace. The wild cherry blossom is coming out and just sitting there, feeling the warm sun on your old bones is just bliss.
We were back in the bar this evening for their "soirée guitares". All different styles of music provided a great ambience. Even so, we were quite restrained and were home for 10.h30.
19° Sunshine
In the News:
3 top French sports people died in a helicopter crash in Argentina while taking part in a reality show

Christian started the day early with a meeting which invoved leaving at 8pm. Dominique fitted our smoke detectors and then stayed for a quick apéro, so we're now reglo.  My highlight of the day was being offered tea at the over 60's club when I called in to see the photos of the carnival.
16° sun and some cloud

Sunday 8 March 2015

Carnival, Coffee and Cava

After a bit of a lie in, I took myself off to the square in the centre of the village where the men of the Association were serving coffee and cakes to women as a gesture to International Women's Day. As for every year since it was started here in 2008, the sun shone brightly which made it easy to while away a couple of hours chatting and relaxing. And what do you know? I actually won the first prize in the raffle; a voucher for 30€. Don't know why but I had a feeling I would! The money raised is going to a women's association in Perpignan.
Normally, Christian has done his bit as a waiter but today he stayed home and read the paper, joining me later along with Henri for an apéritif before going for lunch at Jean-Jacques'. He did us a tasty main course of pot roast pork and even started us off with some nice, warm canapés washed down with cava. I'm so glad we introduced it to him and that given he's from the Champagne region of France, he doesn't turn his nose up at it. If you're wondered what's happened to Michèle, she was off on a tai chi course.
17°, Sun and later cloud

Started the day by going to the market; well, I went around while Christian unable to contemplate the walk, stayed in the car. First port of call was our usual café to say "hello" to Henri and Michèle and have a coffee. After that it was on to another one to see Hortense who was doing her book signing, then back to the village for lunch at the restaurant. It was warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the menu that was on for the carnival. Here's Christian reading the card sent by Valerie and Christophe to go with the voucher that we'd already been given on Thursday.
Then, it was all systems go to get ready for the village carnival but needless to say, I needed have hurried as it was late starting. Sorry
to say that some of the floats that had promised to come from other villages didn't turn up but even so, there were plenty of people in the streets having a good time. Squidgy foam and confetti was in abundance; it was noisy and despite the aching feet, lots of fun.
Our float won the first prize and no, it wasn't a fix! Ended our participation in the afternoon's festivities with an apéritif accompanied by our very own banda (dressed as clowns) in the village hall. At the same time, tables were being prepared for the evening's meal, the disco was being set up for the fancy dress ball and the bar was doing a good trade, so an atmosphere of organised chaos reigned.
 The 7th March is also the anniversary of when we met so we ended the evening at home with some fizz and foie gras in front of the telly. Well, it was 28 years ago and our ceilidh days are over!
16° Sun and no wind

PS. Opened up the blog to write up this latest post and found that Ken and Kathy had left a comment which was a lovely way to start off. Some of the comment boxes were ticked too and not the boring one either!!

Saturday 7 March 2015

Winding Down

 Had a lie in this morning before lunch of pheasant at home. Christian didn't budge from the house, not being on top form but I walked over to see Nicole before she goes back to Germany in a couple of days. As you can see from this photo taken on my way back, the sky is blue and the village looks like a nice place to visit, doesn't it?
20° Blue skies

No language exchange this morning but we did keep tradition going with lunch at the restaurant where Christian's dessert came with a candle on it and a gift voucher for two meals from Valérie and Christophe. Great idea. Then it was on to Michel's for coffee. In the evening, Nany and André entertained us to supper and we provided the champagne. And so passed Christian's birthday doing what he likes best!
15° Blue skies and strong winds

10° Cloudy, strong overnight winds

Did lots of odd jobs. Jean-Jacques came for an omelette and soup.
14° Sunny spells and light wind

Monday 2 March 2015

Getting Wound Up!

Nothing special during the day but we had a fright with the electrics last night; was confronted by an awful smell when I went to put the washing on at midnight. I sniffed my way through the caves until I tracked it down to the fuse board cupboard. One of the EDF boxes was HOT and the plastic case was melting! Christian, who was unusually still up at this time, switched off the electric and phoned the C°  who said they'd send someone out this morning. Went to bed by the light of his and hers torches. Thank goodness for the "for - once - a - useful - free gift" wind up torch that had come a while ago with some mail order stuff. What's more the whole affair was a timely reminder that we need to get our smoke detectors up before the legal obligation comes in on 8th March.
19° Sunshine and cloud

Despite having a gas hob and the leckie back on by 10am, Christian didn't give up on his thought that it was as good a reason as any to go out for lunch. Before that however, we went to the bar which has finally reopened for a coffe after which Christian went to the Mairie for an hour and I pottered.
Decided to kill two birds with one stone by going over the border; bought cava in Capmany  where despite it being closing time, we were offered a glass by way of an apéritif and a bottle of pink cava by way of a thank you for buying 4 cartons and had lunch in Can Tomás in Rabos.
The menu del día was simple but very tasty; the service pleasnt. 12€ for 3 courses, wine, water and bread. Although the restaurant, itself,  doesn't have much character, the village does. That is apart from a small communication or maybe satelitte dish on the church tower!!
20° cloudy with the odd sunny spell