Tuesday 30 June 2015

Hot, Lethargic Days

Didier and Annie went on their way at the end of the morning and as it was Jen's last day and we'd done next to nothing we went down to Argelès at the end of the afternoon when it was a bit cooler. Took a stroll, sat on a bench and watched those more energetic than us  going by. Had dinner overlooking the marina at "Mezzo Mezzo"

Far too hot for us to go out though our guests took themselves off after lunch to the sea. Jean-Jacques joined us for dinner after a leisurely apéro on the terrace.

Coffee in the bar in the morning joined by Nicole (S) then a lazy afternoon before Didier and Annie arrived on their way back from Spain to Normandy. There wasn't any cooking to do as they'd invited us for dinner at the bar.My kind of guests!

Market in the morning then an all British curry evening at David and Laura's.

What excitement! Taking advantage of the car, Jen was forebearing enough to take a trip to Lidl. Deserving a recompense for such patience, I took her to the restaurant for lunch. There were also about 20 Danes there celebrating a birthday with two jazz musicians providing some very pleasant entertainment.
After a siesta, I made a cake for the association's tapas evening and this time I managed to put all the ingredients in at the right time.
The evening started with the President asking people to raise their glasses to Christian which once again brought a tear to my eye. The village correspondent for the "Indépendant" newspaper wrote the following in her report:
"Le verre fut levé en memoire de Christian, qui nous a quittés dernièrement mais dont l'empeinte amicale reste et restera, pour tous, indissociable de toute manifestation festive".

And here's her response to my thank you for writing what she did.
C'est tellement vrai ! J'ai été très heureuse de pouvoir l'écrire. . . Un des privilèges de la correspondance à l' Indep ! Penser à Christian donne du baume au coeur, je le soupçonne d'avoir laisser une emprunte positive sur Maureillas et ça rien ni personne ne peut nous le prendre.

After a slow start we went off to Perpignan in the afternoon but en route noticed that a light on the hire car was indicating a tyre problem. Into the Audi garage after an anxious few kms to have the tyre changed which involved quite a bit of hanging around, fortunately in the airconditioned showroom. The staff were absolutely charming going out of their way to be helpful.
There was nothing else to do but turn round and come home. We did stop off at the lake though for a cup of tea and breath of air. 

There's less and less space in the cave as it fills up with black plastic bags full of old clothes that need to go out to the rubbish. Jen arrived very late from the airport having negotiated Barcelona and been stopped by he Guardia Civile at the last toll in Spain. Talked until 2am; well there was a lot to start catching up with.
29° sun

The sky looked a bit unsettled but Ann, Lynn and I set off for Figueres feeling optimistic. Had coffee in the Plaça Major, shopped relentlessly and then had lunch in "Tony's" on another square which had been suggested by Rowena. http://www.tripadvisor.fr/Restaurant_Review-g315921-d7311339-Reviews-Tony_s_Bar-Figueres_Province_of_Girona_Catalonia.html
Very reasonably priced. Nourished and refreshed we then attacked "Zara", had a cuppa on the Ramblas and came home in time to get organised for the "Feux de St Jean" marking the move into summer. While it was just the young uns who jumped over the embers of the bonfire, the fireworks were well appreciated by young and old alike.

Did some paperwork and some reorganising. Made a cake in the afternoon as my contribution to the BBQ that Linde was hosting on  her new terrace. Don't know how, but I discovered after it had been in the oven for about 20 mins that I hadn't put in half of the flour! Wheeked it out, remixed it and kept my fingers crossed.
Jean and Françoise came for the meal too and the terrace was considered to be a great addition to the house giving a good view and a welcome cooling breeze.
Weather:29° Dark clouds and distant storm

Sunday 21 June 2015

Two Visits for the Price of One

In order to profit from cooler temperatures, we set off early for the cemetery with Jean-Jacques to see how Christian and Michelle were getting along together. Inevitably there were a few tears. JJ suggested that if we wanted we could put a souvenir for Christian on the grave (what a generous man he is). To move on from the tears, I said that Christian was a squatter and we'd could think of something else! Talked about a small seat (there's just enough space between two sentinel trees) that he and I could use to linger a while should we go up there on significant dates with champagne to toast them. Not sure that it will be allowed though. Failing that, unless anyone has any brighter ideas, a wind chime. To be followed up .....
Back to the café where Armand (a colleague from the Mairie) picked up my visitors to drive them to the airport.
Next stop was Nany and André's to celebrate Nany's birthday. Glad to say that she was genuinely pleased with her present. André made the birthday toast with champagne over apéritifs and remembered Christian as well. My eyes were wet again. 13 of us sat down to lunch in the garden but it was too hot for me to linger so I came back for a bit of a rest before the fête de la musique.
The samba school was first up, arriving in the square swaying, shaking and enjoying the moment.
Click the link to get a feel of the event 
Not that I saw it all. I'd decided not to eat there so didn't stay much more than an hour and a half. It had been a tiring day, weekend even and I wanted a bit of time to myself.
31° Sunny

Rendez-vous with my charming Bank Manager first of all, then coffee with Françoise followed by an apéritif with Michèle and Henri. Michèle was wearing what Henri called a "Scarlet O'Hara" hat which she'd just bought for the princely sum of 5€. With half an hour to go before I was due to come back to the village with my neighbour, Nicole, I whizzed off to buy one of the same. Well, not quite; Michèle's was straw coloured, mine red. It's perfect for these hot sunny days.
Samba practice in the afternoon for tomorrow's  appearance. Frank and Valérie arrived home a bit later having found their brother tired but positive. Dinner, eventually at Jean-Jacques'.
25° sunny
Stared a slow paced morning with a visit to the lawyers then met p with Michèle and Henri for a coffee. While Valérie and Frank went off to have a look around the town, Michèle and I went shopping for a birthday present for Nany. Bought a floaty scarf (that I would have liked myself!) and a necklace from an African shop. Came back to the bar for lunch after which my two visitors set off to see Stéphane, 4 hours drive away.
Had intended to make a cake for this evening's "fête des voisins" after a wee nap but remembered with 40 minutes to spare that I was going out with Anne J for a cup of tea and change of scene. There was therefore, neither snooze nor cake. The theme of the evening was to wear a hat and bring related food/drink. Looked out the leprechaun hat and the green wig that Christian and I wore to the last St Pat's night and topped new potato halves with herby cream cheese and smoked salmon.
Was feeling pretty tired and missed Christian being there, so left early and wandered over to the bar where a polyphonic group was having it's end of year dinner. Hung around long enough to hear them break into song before the dessert.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Slowing Down

Started the morning with a never ending coffee at the bar as I'd got muddled up with my timing. Today was the commemoration of de Gaulle's call from the BBC in London to resist the Nazis so as is traditional there was a "patriotique cérémonie". Andre's speech had a strong British feel to it and I was really touched to be asked to lay the wreath with him. I can tell you that I had to keep my jaw clenched to stop myself from shedding a tear that Christian was not there to see it. Still, if he had been, I might not have been asked!
An apéretif followed during which I met an itinerant painter who travels around with a donkey. He is having an exhibition in the village for 3 days so I said  I'd go (In the end I never did).  Lunch then beckoned so Michel, Martine, Carmen, Marie-Louise, Francine and myself toddled off to the restaurant for the menu du jour.
At the end of the afternoon, I did an airport run with Nicole to pick up Frank and Valérie and heck, weren't they surprised by the heat that hit them. On returning to the village we headed straight to the bar for a cooling beer. Dinner we had at home.
Hot and sunny

Gave myself permission to stay in bed till midday just doing stuff on the computer. Had an early night too.
24°, Sun, cloud, wind
Mass shooting of a church goers by a racist in Charleston

Was feeling pretty tired this morning and had to cancel my place on the Spanish group's trip for boules and lunch at a restaurant near Roses. Linde came to visit and then I slept. By the afternoon, I'd picked up enough to go and help Lone telephone about computer problems. Also fixed a problem with her oven by setting the clock. Inspired or what? There was no logic behind it. Can't tell you how good it felt to be helping someone for a change
24° Sun, cloud, rain

Highlight of the day was an evening at Jean and Françoise's along with Belgian friends. All very pleasant with lots of laughs. Yet another toast to Christian; it's strange not see him sitting near to me looking up like a rogue to see if I'm watching how full he's filling his glass!

Sunday 14 June 2015

Keeping Good Company

If you remember, back in March, I was involved with the carnival group. Well, today a BBQ was organised to use some of the money that we won. There were several wary eyes pointed at a menacing  sky which bore out the forecast of storms coming. Fortunately, we had shelter and in any event, the rain held off until we had finished eating. There was nothing much else to do after that but to skuttle home before the skies opened and catch up on a load of phone calls and watch tv. Having eaten more meat in one sitting than I would normally eat over 3 days, there was no need to even think about food. Probably won't want to eat much tomorrow either but as they say, tomorrow is another day and at the moment I'm not doing a lot of planning ahead.
25° Sunshine, heavy cloud and rain
Lift to the market with Barbara but came back on the bus having spent a couple of hours in the café with Hortense. It's good to find another like minded woman and who's witty with it. Such a tonic.
Another samba rehearsal in the afternoon but otherwise just pottered at home.
23° Some cloud

Nick came around to help me with Uk tax and then we headed to the bar for a coffee. In the afternoon, there was a rehearsal for the forthcoming Fête de la Musique. I've now joined the ranks of movers and shakers having signed up for the annual appearance of the village samba school. Didn't you always know that I could shake my maracas with the best of 'em? Actually it was good fun and I even discovered that I had more rythme than I'd believed posible.
As if all that wasn't enough, in the evening I went over to Michèle and Henri's with Daniel and Maud for an apéritif dinatoire.
Nope, still not time to go to bed as on returning to the village I stopped in at the restaurant where la Fête de Rosé was in full swing and of course stayed for a glass.
23° Rain at the begining of the afternoon

A pretty busy day starting with the language exchange in the morning followed as usual by a glass of rosé at the bar where I was joined by Martine. In anticipation of the help that she was going to give me with the paperwork, I treated her to lunch at the restaurant.
Nicole came for a cuppa after which it was off to Roger's for drinks  and nibbles in the garden. An all Brit affair apart from 2 Belgians and leg biting mosquitoes.
26° Sun and light rain

Rowena called in for coffee at the end of the morning; it was good to have a face to face catch up rather than chat by email. Snoozed in the afternoon.
25° sun, rain and some pretty fierce  thunder and lightening

Nick, ever the "gentleman", does a run to Leclerc supermarket every Tuesday taking a widowed neighbour with him. I've now been added to the car. Gave the supermarket a miss, going instead to look for some cotton trousers. Didn't find any so have brought out some multi print ones that I bought in Dubai over 10 years ago that I've only ever worn in the house. Funnily enough, they've gone down really well.
On my return, I was invited to join Ann and Lynn at the bar before going on to Michel's for lunch. Martine called in at the end of the afternoon so we forgot the tea and opened the cava.
You're maybe wondering how Stéphane is; well, he's still in hospital but none the wiser as to what has caused the problem. The medics finally gave the green light to tell him about his father as it was becoming impossible to keep avoiding the subject. Not sure if it's really sunk in but at least he wasn't angry to have been kept in the dark.
28° sun and some big spots of rain

Visit to the lawyer after which Maggie who kindly came to pick me up; had coffee together. Penny called around in the afternoon. In the evening there was wine and nibbles chez Jean-Jacques along with Nany and André, Michèle and Henri, Michel, Carmen, Laurent and Samia plus their wee one who'd just been diagnosed with chickenpox. I can tell you, I kept my distance after André (a retired GP) told us that at our age, we could get shingles.
31° Warm, thunder, rain, cooler in the evening.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Picking up the Threads

Another hot day so luckily the patio chez Trudi and Christian, a Swiss couple, was shady and even had a little breeze. Duck, my favourite, was on the menu and we were joined by Annie, their neighbour.
Back home, Barbara called with a lovely hibiscus full of buds from Bee and then came Jean and Françoise making sure that I was ok. then, finally, before going to bed I watered the plants and myself at the same time when the hoze nozzle came off at full blast!
32° Sun

Continuing our Saturday tradition, I went to the market and met up with various folk. In the afternoon, Judith came around to take me over to the bar to join in with its birthday celebrations. The date made a "D" Day theme inevitable. Some people were in costume but for once, I wasn't one of them. It was incredibly hot but good fun.
As if that wasn't enough excitement for one day, Jean-Jacques and I were invited to an Italian restaurant in La Jonquera along with Frankie, a friend of theirs. No sooner than we'd got ourselves settled than the maire, his wife and grand daughter came in and joined us.
Jean-Marie is undergoing treatment so it wasn't a late evening. On crossing the square to go home, I found, Terry, Ann and Trevor in the bar so joined them for a night cap. Do you think that the village will be talking about me? Christian wouldn't disapprove that's for sure. 
31° Sun

An 8.30am start with Jean-Jacques and Jean-Marie who came to help me do our tax return which took less time than I thought.
A day out in Figueres with Penny and Pauline had been on the cards for quite some time and it did me good to have a complete change of scene and some retail therapy. Having lost over 10kg over these last few months, I was in dire need of some new clothes. Had lunch at the Ous d'or, a couple of coffee stops and lots of walking before arriving back in the village around 8pm. Now that's what I call "shop till you drop". Still, there was a reviver in store; before I could make it  home neighbours invited me to join them on the terrace of the bar for a drink and on passing the restaurant when heading for home, some British friends asked me to join them for a glass of wine. Never one, to say "no", I was easily persuaded.
29° Sun

Not one to sit and mope, I busied myself this morning changing over my winter for summer wardrobe. Tiring, methodical work was just what I needed to fill the time. Went over to the bar for a glass of rosé with the language exchangers and some company. I'm determined not to let my sadness back me into a self-pitying corner but instead to carry on with life. It's the way I'll get through; those of you who know me well, know that I don't do weeping and wailing. A wee tear is my limit!
In the evening there was an apéritif for Christian after the weekly meeting of the council to which I was invited. This proved to be the first of many occasions when people raised a glass to Christian's memory.
29° Sunny

Wednesday 3 June 2015

And then there was One

During the day there was a last exodus. The kids to Normandy and Paris, Ann and Noel to Barcelona airport and Chris and Jill to Carcassone  airport after a quick lunch at the restaurant. So, then there was just me ......
29° Sunny

The cousins left today for the long drive back to Normandy. Léo and Yohann cooked the rest of us lunch.
In the afternoon we gathered for the walk up to the cemetry where Christian had decided he'd like his ashes scattered. We were joined by Jean-Jacques as Christian had specified that he'd be happy under the cork trees where Michelle was buried so he'd have someone to chat to while taking in the view of the village and listening to the birds singing. It was lovely there; he won't be alone and I'm sure he'll be at peace.
28° Sunny

Monday 1 June 2015

Laughter and Tears

We sent the word out in the announcement that we put in the paper that there weren't to be any flowers and by word of mouth told people that Christian would have prefered that they buy their favourite tipple and raise a glass to his memory. On his coffin we had this portrait and a fun certificate that Christophe had sent to the "meilleur papa du monde " for  last year's Father's Day and had been on our fridge ever since.
Christian arrived at the crematorium about 40 minutes before we were due to start so that anyone who hadn't could sign the book of condolences and so that those who wanted to could see him and say a last goodbye. He was looking at peace and very smart wearing his glasses, his latest waistcoat as seen on the post of 26th April and with his hair as soft and smooth as an otter's fur (hence Françoise's nickname of "ma loutre").

                                                                     Order of Ceremony 
(during which time there was a continous slide show covering all aspects of Christian's time on this earth bringing out his love of life and people. It was met with laughter and tears and it's not for nothing one of his other nicknames was "Mr Quatre Bises/Mr Four Kisses" 

Entry to Edith Piaf singing "Non, Je ne regrette rien"   

Acrostiches in French (translation to follow) and English read by Christophe and Rowena
Sympathetic and sociable
Naughty ( but Nice!)

Christian's Story with many funny anecdotes (Frank, Christophe and Valérie)

Eulogy (Mr Le Maire)

Christian (Lyrics and Music by Jean and Laurent) Translation to follow

The whole Family around the Coffin (The Lonesome Boatman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmDMyTs9Gyk and The Old Man, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCSaBYY-wQk The Fureys) followed by the cremation.

Thank yous (Michel)

Departure and as is traditional, the family lined up outside to acknowledge those present.

There must have been well over 200 people there and I think that I must have been kissed by all of them! Christian would have loved to be present.
Wakes are not usual here but we suggested that for anyone who wanted to continue talking and toast Christian, we intended to go to the village bar. The terrace soon filled up with friends, family and colleagues from the Mairie (it was closed for the morning).
A buffet lunch for over 40 people miraculously appeared in the cave; Jean and Laurent provided the music.
After us all scattering in different directions in
the afternoon, we found ourselves back in the bar for an apéritif. The northen French discovered a "girafe" (a cylander of several litres of beer) or rather a herd of them before we went home for something to eat; once again buffet style.
So ended a full on day filled with so much affection and solidarity. Doesn't make up of course for Christian no longer being with me but it left me feeling that I was well supported and able to face up to the future. 

Measure of the Man


* Two books of Condolences; one outside the old mairie in the village which needed extra pages after we found people writing any available space and one at the crematorium.  (222 entries)

* Cards and Letters (99)

* Emails in French (11) and in English. Here are the English ones to give you a flavour of how much Christian was loved and appreciated.

Dear Ruth

We are so sorry to hear about Christian – we cannot imagine the pain you are feeling.  Christian had such a big personality – always happy and cheerful – always cheeky with that extra kiss.

 I have told Christian next door and also sent a message to Margaret.  You and Christian have played such a big part in so many peoples’ lives through MsF.  Now it is our turn to help you – we are here for you.

Lots of love, Angela and Paul 

Christian had such a big personality – always happy and cheerful – always cheeky with that extra kiss. Angie

My dear Ruth,
I am so very very sorry to learn of Christian's death . That you and his children were with him at the end will I hope be some consolation as time goes on but at present there will be little light.
We are both thinking about you and of Christian and remembering the happy times we met you both together.
We will think of you on Monday as you say goodbye and we will be thinking of you as you deal with the months ahead .
Please give our condolences to his children,
Much love, Anne and Blair .

Dear Ruth,

Your British contingent did you proud as guests!  They were good company

when we saw them and otherwise extremely discrete to the point of our not

even knowing they were in the house!

Love, Anne G

Dear Ruth

I am so very sorry to learn of Christian’s death.  I had been worried about him for some time and when the blog went quiet I feared things might be serious.  I did not get in touch because I imagined you would be having a lot to cope with but that does not mean that I wasn’t thinking of you.

He was such a huge character and he loved you so much that life will seem very difficult without him, but you have such a wealth of memories that I am sure will help in due course, even if that does not seem the case just now.

I will definitely think of you both on Monday, and in the coming weeks. Bernadette

Oh, dear, Ruth - what sad news! Thank you for letting us know. We are
thinking of you. Lots of Love Bridget and Hortense

All of our positive thoughts are with you. 
Take care because you are and will always be special to us.
Bryan and  Family (USA)

We have just learned of the sad news that Christian is no longer with us. Both Beverly and I had so many wonderful times with him. As I always said he was my favorite Frenchman. I am so pleased I got to paint his portrait. We all will miss him but will remember his great smile and his zest for life. Love James and Beverly (USA)

Hi Ruth

Very sad to hear. I know that the next few days will be recovering from the stress and shock and the rawness of Christian not being there.

You will be very tired.

I hope that the families are rallying and that you have good company.

Will write again later when you will have more time to think.

I have had several glasses and will cook mussels the Christian way.

With much love, Jan (N.Z.)

I was very sad to learn from the MsF newsletter of Christian's death. He was a lovely man and very much part of the Maureillas scene.
I shall be thinking if you all today at the crematorium.
Look after yourself.
With kindest regards - Janet (Maman de Penny)

Hello Ruth

Just picked up your e-mail.

John and I are so so sorry to hear about Christian. We just wanted to let

you know that we are thinking of you and to send you all our love.

We will definitely raise a glass to Christian tomorrow to celebrate his life

and to remember him as a lovely friend who was always a delight to spend

time with.

Lots of love to you from both of us. I'll get in touch later in the week.

Jean xx

Dear Ruth,

I am so sorry to hear about Christian's passing.  Please accept my sincere condolences.  You and he were very generous to me when I stayed in Maureillas to work on Linde's house.  I will keep fond memories of his great spirit and good humor.  You and he are both in my thoughts.  I am also wishing you strength with your cancer treatments.  I hope to see you in June, when I will be visiting with my family.

Sincerely, Jeff (USA)

Christian was such a character and lovely person who has left us all with so many happy memories of times spent at McIntyre Road when we first got to know him, our visit to your home, Lynn's wedding and so on. June and I, Lynn and Laura have shed some tears this morning at the news of his passing and more tears laughing at some of the fun times we had with him. Five or six kisses was his welcome to June and she loved it. He enjoyed his food, wine and whisky and I always thought good on you Christian what better way to live life than to share these with the one you love and friends and family and I try to do the same myself.
Monday is June's birthday and we will be celebrating this and raising more than one glass of the best wine and the finest malt in remembrance of Christian. June and Bill

Ken and I are so saddened to hear of your loss of (everyones) beloved Christian. No amount of inevitably quite prepares us for the end.

We have such fond memories of your visit to NZ and more so of our wonderful time spent with you both at your home. Such hospitality and generosity of spirit.

Please also pass our condolences to Christians family.

We will indeed raise a glass in Christians honour and we will light a candle.

But first, today is our market day and to acknowledge Christians life the best way we can here in Mangawhai is head to the market and then enjoy a coffee and croissant at the local french cafe. Oh the memories, they are very closely etched in our hearts. Kathy and Ken (N.Z.)

we have Christian's picture in our kitchen - that one that James did of him.

I can feel your pain Ruth and yes life will be very empty for a long while. No amount of knowing the inevitable day would arrive prepares us for that cut of the spirit cord. This will change and his energy will feel tangible for you. He will always be by your side Ruth xxx

I might have to let ken live his dream of canal boating and we'll whisk you away for a bit. We''d have to bring our dog though - he's half poodle . Ken calls him a french poofter, and we have a laugh.

with all our love, Kathy and ken (N.Z.)

thinking of you very strongly today. When I was on my bush walk with Jak I got so tired and just couldnt carry on and needed to sit down on a bank ( most unlike me! ). Was sitting and breathing and then Christian was very strong in my thoughts with those words I CAN GO NO FURTHER". He said this on the bush walk in NZ which Ken often uses. And I suppose Christian is saying it again with his heart not being able to carry on. So I'm sitting there and a NZ song came strongly to my mind - NOW IS THE HOUR when we must say goodbye. It has Maori verses and always brings a tear. I sang a verse me and Jak. AND THEN, Christian told us to look after you. ( look after Ruth for me )

I have surrounded you in an energetic field of rainbow light and love

Its nearly 5pm here and soon we will raise our glass of red. Bon voyage Christian, it has been a joy and a pleasure to have known you


kathy and Jak (Jacques) and Ken (N.Z.)

Morning Ruth

I have spoken to Margaret, it's so sad news Christian was so full of life! Everything seems so soon. at Easter he didn't look or seem that poorly just wanted to go home, 

Please let us know if we can do anything?

We are thinking of you 

Love Kelvin & Irene 

Dear Ruth
We were so sad to hear the news of Christian's death.  Somehow we had imagined that he would surmount all the obstacles and rally.  We spent a while talking and reminiscing about you both last night when we got your email and we raised a glass in his honour. - Pouilly Fume.  Hope he would approve.
You will both be in our thoughts needless to say on Monday.  I am sure that he will be greatly missed by so many people.  Thank goodness for all your friends who hopefully will keep you going and support you over the long haul ahead.
Bon courage and much love
Liz and Eamon

Dearest Ruth,

Just to say that our thoughts and love goes to you in these sorrowful times.
Lone and Jesper (Denmark)

Christian and you are part of us, part of our life in Glasgow when we all met and got married. This is so sad.
Please receive all my love, from the other side of the planet.
Louis (Australia)

Ruth, thank you for teling me of the sad news of Christian's death. I was

travelling home form my son in Belin when I received your mail.

I send you my love and sympathy with a big hug at this difficult time and

will be thinking especially of you and Christain and the happy times we have

shared tomorrow during his cremation

with love, Madeline

Myself and the family have wonderful memories of so many happy times he was a very caring  thoughtful friend he will be missed by so many in the village. He devoted so much of his energy to the Mairie sincere in his desire to improve village life for all
Please accept my sincere condolences all my love Margaret

we truly do care about you & our great regret is that we thought there was plenty of time to get to know Christian too. He must have been a wonderful person to have given you that glow you always carried with you: we so hope that your memories of him your time together will mean you always keep it
xx (Mgt and Ken)

Dear Ruth,
We were both very shocked and very saddened to have the news of Christian’s death. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time and we will make Monday a special day to remember him.
I will be in touch again soon but in the meantime try to look after yourself and let others take care of you too  - at least for a while.
With love, Marlene.

Ruth, your mom has just rang me tell me about Christian. I am so sorry you must be devastated.  It seems so sudden. I am sorry I can't get over for funeral on Monday, but, will  be thinking about you. I did try to telephone you, but, got what I assume was the answer machine. I did leave a message.   Ruth, I will go and see your mom over the week-end, and give her the opportunity to talk things over. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask.   Take care, lots of love & very best wishes, Mary xxxxx

Do hope  all went well to-day Ruth. It must be very comforting to know how well liked and respected Christian was. He was a nice guy, I always liked him, and appreciated how he always made me feel very welcome and at home, when I came to stay, never minded the journeys to airport, & forever generous with the hospitality!.

I am so pleased you are surrounded by so much kindness &  moral support, Ruth.  Its lovely to know you won't be alone. Mary

I have just come out to make myself a cup of tea as I found myself, not unusually, not being able to sleep and I have just read your very sad news.
Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you and we will especially think of you both on Monday and raise a glass to Christian.
We are so very sorry for your loss, words seem so inadequate at such a time.  I do remember you writing to me about meeting Christian and we could plainly see how happy you both were when we met him for the first time at our then house in Weymouth.
We will visit you mother some time during next week and we will be in contact with you soon. In the meantime please take care of yourself.
Love, Mary and Andy xx

Dear Sweet Ruth,

I am so very, very sorry to learn of Cristian's passing.  He lived a very full life....and you were always at the center of it.  I'm sure you are very occupied now with family and arrangements.  I will phone soon after Monday.....but if you would like to talk by phone before then, please do call....and I will call you right back.

In Deepest Sympathy and a World Full of Love, Nancy (USA)

Dear Ruth,

I'm sorry and so sad to hear that Christian had to leave you and us this morning. I hope he didn't have to suffer to much until the end. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. In spite of distance I'm thinking at you with your sorrow and the lot of work you're are standing before. I hope you will get very much support, warm sensibility from the family and no problems. I regret not to be with you in Maureillas.

Take care of YOU! Nicole V (Germany)

Hi Ruth.

We are so sorry to hear about Christian.

Cannot even imagine losing the one I love.

Guessing you have a good support network of friends, take full advantage.

We wish you the very best.

All our love, Oli Tash and Matilda. X

Dearest Ruth

We're so so sorry to hear this, shocked and devastated in fact.

We'll be coming to say goodbye to Christian, that goes without saying. And we're really glad you've got family with you.

 Meanwhile we send you tons of love. Pauline and Adrian x x x x

Christian was a man who seemed larger than life, and who had enormous charisma and 'joie de vivre', and his passing is far too soon and very sad. He was a hugely important part of Maureillas, and he will be missed by many of us.

With love and sympathy

Penny and Dominic xxx

My very dear Ruth,
There aren't suitable words to say, we can only hope that you find some strength from knowing that we are here. 
I have spoken to Pauline, we both find it hard to believe, goodness knows how you are coping.  Thank heavens Christian's children are with you to help with the burden of the "formalities".  We talked of Christian and his birthday party last year, he was in such sparkling form that day, we are blessed in having such wonderful memories.
We'll all be with you on Monday.
With love from us both, Penny P xx

I did not know him well but he always seemed to me "one of the good guys".
Words don't mean much but my thoughts are with you.
Xx Roger

Hi Ruth,
So sorry to hear of your sad loss this morning. We understand that you have plenty of family support at the moment. If there is anything we can do please  don't hesitate to let us know.

Love  - Roger and Jenny   xxx

Dear Ruth

It was with great sadness that Maurice and I learnt of Christian's death during the night. We hope that he slipped away peacefully. We shall miss him.

It's hard to imagine what you must be going through: it's been such a difficult time for you for a long time now, but supporting Christian in his health problems must be better than losing him. I know it comes to all couples that one or other partner goes first, but it feels too soon for you and Christian to be separated. I'm so very sorry and send you much love and courage. I hope that you and Christian's children can support each other when preparing for the funeral and all that follows. 

With regard to the funeral, Maurice and I would very much like to come, if that's alright with you. Penny P says you hope it will be on Monday at the Perpignan crem, but please don't feel you have to reply separately to me; Penny P, Margaret and others will keep us in the loop. You have quite enough to deal with for now.

Thinking of you, much love, Rosie xxx

Dear Steve & Sarah

I don't think you'll have heard this news about Christian. He'd been getting worse for months and had spent the last few weeks in and out of hospital, finally ending up on permanent dialysis. 

There'll no doubt be a huge turnout for the funeral despite the early hour; even Mole will get up early to go and support Ruth!

love Rosie xx

Oh Ruth I am ever so sorry. I feared for him but wondered if he would rally. Pleased that you and his family were with him in the end. I do hope that the funeral on Monday will be a memorable but also cathartic occasion. I will be thinking of you. You do sound well supported which helps but as you say it is the end of a way of life. I do feel for you and will get in touch soon. Take care and thank you for taking the time at this difficult time to get in touch. Love Suzanne

All the times we spend with Christian are fun times and full of laughter, and his humour is always infectious.  Even as I type this it’s bitter sweet as he has and still does have a huge influence on our family, starting all that time ago in  the harsh conditions of Peterhead.  Then our first amazing holidays to France – what an influence on Julie and I and our directions in studies.  When I was studying for my A’levels, Christian said to me (while I was studying at my desk, no doubt having a whinge) the harder I worked at this age, then the easier life would be when I was older, and that still resonates with me now. Suzie (Australia)

Hi Ruth -
Anyway - I was trying to say that my heart goes out to you and I wish you strength and courage to get through this terrible time.  Anyway - Keith and I send you our deepest condolences - I know you will be surrounded by good friends in the village and you will need their support in the days to come.  Wish I was there to join them to help you but I am in there in spirit.
It's such a difficult time for you with all the other stuff going on in your life so try and be kind to yourself and take great care of yourself as Christian would have wanted.
Lots of love and see you in August when we are back. Vanessa xxxxx