Monday 27 July 2015

Festa Major

The last day of the festa is more traditional with Sardanes in the morning and afternoon. For once, I was out and about most of the day. Yet again, Nancy and I had lunch together; this time a salad at the bar.
The traditional levant de taula didn't happen this year for the first time since we've been here. Shame if the old traditions fade away.
Having missed two days of the Festa Major, I decided to show my face this evening and join Nany and André for deep fried squid rings and chips at the recreation ground. Not worth all the calories so I didn't linger long. Came home and watched the tail end of "Barchester" which is showing on France 3 at the moment. By the way, there are more and more dramas playing on French tv these days, if you're remotely interested. And I caught up with the blog ...... finally up to date .... but how long for?
32° sun and some cloud

Went with Nancy on the bus to the market. There was a cold wind early in the morning and I went with a top too warm for later on, so needed to buy a teeshirt in order not to look ridiculous among the underdressed tourists. Came back in Nick's Saab convertable which put us in the mood for the menu du jour at the restaurant. Why? If it had been the bus we'd probably gone to the bar!
There was a very refreshing tomato, watermelon and mint chilled soup starter which was a bit ironic as for once there was a cold wind blowing.
Dinner was out too; this time chez Nicole who had also invited Anne (French), Lynn and Colin (Brits). Walked there and back which was a bit of well needed exercise.
The second night's meal was paella along with a live show. Apparently, it was good and attracted a lot of people.
27°, Sun and wind

Rain, something we've all been waiting for, arrived this afternoon. The gutters rain like torrents and the earth breathed a sigh of relief. Linde was here at the time for a cup of tea. It only lasted  couple of hours but at least it's cooled down.
Rather foolishly, when offered a load of books I just thought that I could pass them on to the Cancer Support France book exchange without specifying that they needed to be in good condition. I salvaged about 25 from 5 big bags full. The rest were old or tatty; all had that brown grubby look. So now, as well as all my own kept - for- too -long stuff, I'm having to take them bit by bit to the recycling bins. A real chore. Still, my own fault and I was pretty ruthless. On my return from such a trip, I met Roger in the square and we ended up having a glass of wine on the terrace of the restaurant. This time we were joined by the patron.
Sadly, the first night of the village festa suffered from the afternoon downpour. Only about 30 people turned up for the grilled sardines of which there were 400kg!!!! Apparently there were slightly more folk for the disco.

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