Friday 17 July 2015

Picking up the Pieces

The last couple of weeks posts are a bit sketchy as on 17th July I managed to delete a chunk of my notes. Sorry that it's a bit of an unembellished catalogue but it's the best I can do with an incomplete calendar and an inadequate memory.
It's been very hot and dry and  Fidelma Cook's recent article in "The (Glagow) Herald" just about tells it like it is.

Went into meltdown this afternoon when I put my ipod back to factory settings. Michael, who lives at the end of the road and fixes and installs IT stuff wasn't hopeful that I could get data back until I mentioned having transfered some books from the laptop. He advised me to resynchronise and much to my relief a lot of material came back up to 30th June. Funnily enough, not the books and since I've only managed to get two back on the ipod but that I can try and sort later.
Drinks chez Roger this evening along with Mike, Linda, Netta and her husband. Small world  as I'd worked with Netta back in Scotland at which time, she already had a holiday home in the area. It's only recently that I learnt they'd bought in the village. Did quite a bit of catching up in between glassesof cava.
On my way back home, I stopped off at the bar for some summery fun music. played by "Tryoland'Art.

Language exchange and our usual apéro at the bar which today was enlivened by one of the young Norwegians (or was he a Dane?) singing and playing his guitar. Martine and I had lunch together at the bar along with Michel Kluska who I owed for helping me with my telephone and internet connection that has gone pear shaped.
This evening we were once again in the company of our "Friends from the North" as Lone and Jesper had organised another Viking challenge for  memebers of the association. This time in revenge for watching the Catalans dance the Sardane for the last 12 years, they got their own back by getting us to do some Danish traditional dances. Lots of fun washed down with 3 kinds of Danish beer. Now that's what I call integrating well with the locals.

Carmen arrived with a lovely selection of this morning's harvest of veg from her garden. A ratouille is in the offing, methinks.   

Thank goodness for the 14th July as at least I know exactly what I did. Up into the mountains at the crack of dawn for the ceremony at the war memorial; back down to the village where I sat at the bar and watched everyone march up to the memorial here and then back again. It  was far too hot for a delicate English rose like myself so I opted for shade; then it was over to the Mairie for the speeches, presentation of medals, the Marseillaise (I've finally got the words more or less straight in my head) and an apéritif. Only drank water as I was saving myself for an alcoholic one at the bar before lunch with Henri, Michèle, Martine, André and Nany at the restaurant.
In the evening there was the traditional firework display which this year was even better than last year. There was even one that was in the form of a heart. Such a delight but such a shame I didn't manage to snap it. Of course it made me think of Christian who, child that he was, would have been oooing and ahhing at my side. Time for a little unnoticed sniff.

Well, I know that I didn't go to the market on Saturday as it was the Feria and therefore just heaving with people who later would be in all kinds of states. Can't remember what I did instead. Well, I am writing this two weeks later. At least I have a photo to prove that today I found my way to the bar to hear Chris the Cat playing but for the life of me I don't remember who I was with! Another thing that I don't know, is why he seems to have a love affair with snails. Look closely at the photo. Without Christian being present, no one was press ganged into buying his latest cd.

The expert came to value the house which has to be done for the succession. He was most impressed and kept saying how charming it is but we know that already, don't we?
In the evening there was a curry meal at Nick and Lizzie's to which Roger was invited too. This time I stayed the course.

Lunch at the restaurant after the apéro at the bar, after the language exchange. Back to the bar in the
evening for apéros with les anglaises where the tapas are more copious. For a change, I was the first to leave as I was feeling tired.

After a quiet couple of days spent close to home, Jean and Françoise's visit for an apéritif was a welcome change.

After an apéritif in the village with Eamon ad Liz, we headed off for lunch at Al Catala which recently won the local heat of a tv reality show.
Far too hot to sit outside and of course it was strange being together without Christian. In the hope of benefitting from a bit of breeze we drove down to Port Vendres for our coffee overlooking the marina. Came across this fun notice. I know which option I'd go for.
But the day didn't finish there ...... was invited along with Annette for supper at Ann and Terry's.

Market in the morning and much against my better judgement, "Moules/frites" with hundreds of others down on the recreation ground. Ate te chips but passed on the mussels. Didn't stay for the disco prefering instead to go to the bar for a coffee.

Lunch in Montbolo with Annie and Graham who I hadn't seen for over a year  and then dinner along with my neighbour Jacques at Ken and Margaret's. They'd also invited their Spanish neighbour who funnily enough has gîtes in the village. An interesting woman who teaches at the Autonomous University of Barcelona so it was good to be able to say more than just "hello" as our paths cross in the village.


Took a long planned trip with Nick and Lizzie this morning to Capmany to buy cava.  Luckily Jurgen only wanted a carton of cigarettes as the car was well loaded with our purchases that  took a bit of effort to get in. We stopped off for an apéritif and a few tapas on the way back. Gave a proper lunch a miss as Martine was hosting a birthday dinner for Nick. Apart from herself it was another all Brit do. Mustn't let myself get sucked in but it's hard when people are kind and you're invited.

Jen left to drive back to Barcelona airport and to try (unsuccessfully) to get some money out of Avis for the tyre. Jean-Jacques and I were  invited to Mireille and Jacques for lunch and then in the evening I was out again, this time to Lone and Jesper's, Danish friends for a salad supper.

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