Thursday 23 July 2015

More or Less Back in Business

To save a bit of cash and being unable to phone out for at least 10 days I went over to using internet for phone calls. All too boring to go into here; suffice it to say, I've been going round in circles. Phone now working but internet playing up (so can't phone when it's not connecting!) and the internal network is a bit capricious. Still I'm managing and will tackle it at a later date.
As usual for a Thursday I went to the language exchange followed by an apéro at the bar. Annie joined us and was delighted not only to be able to speak English but also to meet David and Laura and talk about the Scotland visit. David is hopefully going to be able to contact some schools for a possible exchange in the future. People from here are always so keen to visit Scotland. Can't say I blame them! 
With all the chatting we'd done, I had just enough time to get home and cook a quick lunch before Rowena came for a catch up over a cuppa.
Starting with a glass of cava chez nous then watching flamenco with Nicole, Anne. Martine and (another) Annie at the bar was a pleasant way to spend the evening. The meal was neither here nor there but the ambiance was lively and we had a great table at the front with the fountain gently splashing cooling water behind us.
32° Sun and very light breeze

Was treated to lunch by Dani and Brian. All very pleasant if some what hot. Ate light; self service hors d'oeuves  and fish.
From here I went to see Hortense (who's just been elected to a neighbouring council) and Bridget, a very talented artist. A cuppa and wide ranging on - the - same-wave length chat was envigorating. Joy of joys there was even a little rain. Sadly the elation was short lived as  back in the village there were only a few drops.
Being hot and humid, I gave the concert in the church a miss. Glad, as it was apparently stifling inside but sorry as it had been very good. Comfortable body or uplifted spirit. Life is full of choices, eh? 
32° sun and cloud; humid with a few spots of rain

A first visit to Thérèse and Joan's (Joan is Catalan for Jean which is French for John) new house in blistering heat. Fortunately, they had AC and dinner was squid, fresh salad and veg from the garden. A real treat. Joan was kind enough to come and pick me up and take me back. Hope people will let me take the bus when I can, otherwise they're going to get fed up with me!
Coming home across the square, I was inveigled into joining Roger, Debra, Gilles and Sabrina , the patronne for a glass of rosé at the restaurant. I'm so weak!
35° Sun

Colin and Lynn did a great meal for 30 of us in their garden. I'm amazed that a couple can work so well together in the kitchen especially in such hellish heat. Pleasant as it was, I was one of the first to leave as I didn't have much energy to continue the social chit chat. 
34° Sun

Today was a first; I went to Sunday mass in the local church. A bit strange as Christian despite his name, was no follower of religion. I'd felt it was only right to take up the warden's offer of saying a mass for him by way of appreciation for him having rung the "glas" (death knell) when Christian died. In fact Christian would have loved having people thinking of him and saying a wee prayer to speed him on his voyage. It amused me to think of the priest toasting Christian with holy wine when he lifted up the chalice. 
As it was Jean-Jacques deceased wife's birthday, mass was said for her too giving us both mutual support. There was coffeee afterwards, followed by a couple of glasses of rosé. André bought some saucisson and pâté at the butcher's and asked Jean-Louis for some bread, a board and a knife. I'm sure it's not every patron who would be so accomadating. All very pleasant. Amazingly, JJ, Nancy and myself were able to do justice to another apéro of champagne and lunch of magret canard accompanied by a good bottle of Collioure wine chez nous.
Gave the BBQ at Maggie's a miss. Well, enough's enough, n'est-ce pas?
Hot and sunny

Market in the morning; Annie, a teacher of English in one of the local schools came for a cup of tea and to talk about her planned trip to Scotland with 36 young people. In the evening there was a BBQ at David and Laura's. Surprisingly, I don't have a photo. "Tant pis!"
31° Sun

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