Sunday, 26 June 2016

Food for Thought

26.6.16: Light Hearted Garden Party
Shared the usual Sunday morning coffee with Yasmin, Nancy, Marie-Louise, Françoise, Rosie and Maurice. Nancy and I then met up with Nicole P to go over to Nany's for lunch with 15 others. Lovely tapas style food, served in the garden. No particular reason other than to cheer up Henri who felt that he and Michèle had hardly seen them recently!
Came home to catch up with the blog and take it easy. The hot weather is pretty tiring.
27°, coudy

25.6.16: Serious Topic
Went to the market on the bus but didn't linger long prefering to come back for coffee here with Nancy. We were later joined by JJ who wanted to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s for this afternoon's presentation. I stayed to eat a small salad with them and of course, chip in my 2p worth.
The presentation about sustainability in the face of climate change was Nancy's initiative and hosted by the Mairie. There were about 25 of us there and it is to be the starting point for more specific work next year. An apéritif followed but I stuck to water. Afterwards however, Nancy, Nicle P and I went to the bar and changed to rosé to lubricate our continuing but more wide ranging discussions .
29°, sunny 

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