Monday 18 July 2016

Going even farther North

18.7.16: Happy Birthday, Andy!
Slept well last night which was just as well as I had to be up and out to meet Anne and Blair for coffee at "Eusebi", Glasgow's latest place to be. We lingered long over our coffees and exchanged stories until the lunch time crowd started arriving and we felt that we could linger no more.
Anne and Blair dropped me off in the city centre and I went in and out of shops all afternoon, not even stopping for a bite to eat or a drink. Finally ended up having a sandwich on a bench in the sun at around 4pm. No, your eyes are not deceiving you, it was a lovely sunny day.
Andy was another year older today and neither looks or acts his age. You'll have to take my word for it as my lips are sealed as to the exact number oy years on the clock. Spent he evening over apéritifs and a good meal with plenty of laughs thrown in.
22°, sun, beautiful full moon.

17.7.16: Kindness of Friends
Good news: glad to say that the cough syrup that Emma gave me worked as my cough has completely gone; bad news: I knew I shouldn't have had a cup of coffee at the restaurant as I didn't close my eyes until after 5am. No exageration. Counting sheep didn't work  nor did watching tv on my ipod. Consequently, it was a very lazy start. Maureen brought my hair under control and then drove me over to Eamon and Liz's for a late  lunch with Brian and Marlene. It's soooo nice being looked after. Suzanne, June and Willie, Anne and Blair the other ex social work folk that I'd hoped to see were unable to join us though I think that Liz thought that they might turn up as there was loads to eat and drink. We finally left the table at 8.30pm! Brian and Marlene ditched the car, I got the bus and poor old Liz and Eamon were left with all the dishes and glasses. Seems somewhat unfair as they hosted the meal for me but that's social sorkers for you, ever ready to do a good turn!!! Non social workers are  free to chortle and splutter if they wish!
15°, cloud and rain showers

16.7.16: Demonstrating, Dining and Dodging the Rain
No Saturday morning lingering as there was an anti-Trident demo to attend on the steps of the concert hall in Glasgow centre. The steps have become an iconic site of protest but the Council want to demolish them as part of redevelopment plans hence an online petition to save them. I was moved to see a tricolour lain at the top with flowers arranged on it in memory of those who were killed in Nice.
Had a look at some of the shops afterwards then a light lunch and a trip up to the  terrace of the Theatre Royal for a sodden roof top view over the city.
This evening we took a stroll down to the "Salisbury" for dinner with umbrellas drawn and at the ready. Good food, charming service and a bottle of Picpoul made for a good experience. Oh yes, and needless to say, the company of good friends.
14° (!), cool and wet

15.7.16: Dreech Day, Hilarious Evening
What a difference a day makes. Today we awoke to steady rain and cooler temperatures. Went over to Andy and Maureen's daughter's for coffee and a fun time with their grandson who has an enquiring mind beyond his years.  Had lunch at home and a lazy afternoon before heading into the Westend for a bite to eat with Mags (a friend of Maureen and Andy's) and a show at the Óran Mór  
It was a great show "Doris, Dolly and the Dressing Room Divas", As Glaswegians would say " it was pure, dead brilliant!!"
Our neighbours in the audience, a group of woman feulled by a few bottles of wine,  were pretty entertaining too. We had some hilarious chat which was so Glasgow. Next week they're off to a 70's outdoor weekend for which they've stumped up £33 each on top of their tickets of £130 for access to executive loos. A far cry from my Glastonbury experiences in the 80's. Details of  the sanitary arrangements (a questionable term) are too gruesome to mention!
16°, chilly, wet and cloudy

14.7.16 The Auld Alliance
Normally, I'd be out in the village commemorating "Bastille Day" as the Brits call it or "la Fête Nationale" as it is known in France. Instead I was on a bus heading from Leeds to Glasgow. There were blue skies when we left the house to take the bus which arrived at the same place as I was leaving from. We  thus avoided the stress of rush hour traffic and the headache of finding somewhere to park close by. A wise move as it happened as there was an accident as we approached the city centre that the driver was able to get around by detouring through a housing estate. The coach was on time and I settled down (again with my ibook and a double seat to myself) for the journey that would take just over 8 hours. Some of you may be scratching your heads wondering why the bus rather than the train but quite honestly it was less hassle, no changes and there was someone to help with luggage. Jen had provided a substantional picnic and time passed amazingly quickly. There was only one stop of 45 minutes in a pretty run down part of Newcastle and while the waiting area was clean and modern, the only facilities were a few seats, a loo that cost 30p and a drinks distributer. I went for a walk around to stretch my legs and to fill time had a mocha coffee when I came back which was surprisingly good. Sun still shining but there was more cloud and feeling cooler.
Set off again, passing by the spectacular Angel of the North to arrive at my destination about 10 minutes late but in sunshine . Maureen was waiting and we took the bus back to the Southside  where there was a glass of wine (+) and a lovely meal to welcome me.
20° max in Glasgow, sunshine and cloud
A "terrorist" ploughed into revellers in Nice killing 84

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