Sunday 31 July 2016

A Welcome Break from Routine

31.7.16: Stroll down Memory Lane
Prepared lunch then went for coffee with Nicole P, Jacques C and the family. A wet afternoon provided the ideal opportunity to look at old slides. Did a quick dinner then had apéritifs downstairs beforehand.
27°, low cloud, sun, thunder and heavy rain
30.7.16: No Vacancies Sign is up!
Market day wasn't much pleasure with so many people and the heat. We abandoned the idea of a drink there as the service was even slower than usual. Came back to the village where we bumped into Nicole P and her new grandson.. Spent the afternoon preparing dinner .
Family arrived 2 hours later than anticipated as their bike rack had fallen off the back of the car. Luckily, they were on a quiet road at the time and there was one behind.
For one reason or another we were all pretty tired and had a relatively early night.
30°. Day started with cloud cover, blue skies in afternoon but feeling slightly cooler.

29.7.16:  Respite from the heat.
Had a committee meeting first thing and then went into the bank with Valérie to try and unblock my card. Not possible; all that could be done was to ask for another code. It should arrive by Wednesday of next week. Remains to be seen! Stayed for a coffee and then had a quick whizz around the supermarket in prepartion for Christophe et al arriving tomorrow which means that there will be 9 mouths to feed.
Obvioulsly not functioning in top gear as I forgot that I had a hair apointment until Valérie remided me. Luckily, I only had to go around the corner and Jennifer managed to fit me in despite being 45 minutes late.
Came home and put my feet up, rested and then accompanied the family over to Maggie's as she'd said they could have a swim. As you can see, they were having a great time while I sipped G & T on the patio with Trevor.
Made do with take away pizza for dinner  and then went to the bar to listen to some music. Met up with Nicole V but I didn't stay long as the music was too dreary to waste precious sleeping time on!
30°, sun

28.7.16: Catering for all Tastes
Made an earlyish start for Figueres to search the market for a bargain; Hugo and Maureen were more interested in the shops with recognisable names, however. Had a sandwich lunch before leaving for the big shopping centre near the border. While I sat on a settee and read, the others dived in and out of the numerous shops knowing that there was no hurry
Went over to the bar in the evening where we met up with Nicole P for a drink. Tried my card again but still no joy. It's a lost cause which I need to get sorted.
31°, sunny

27.7.16: My Turn to Play Host
Went with Nick to buy cava. Well, you can never have enough. Problem: through not using my card here, I'd forgotten the number and used up two of my three goes. Resorted to my British one though paying in euros when the pound is so low, stuck in my throat a bit. At least there was another solution to coming away empty handed.
Coffee at the café with Nicole and then home to prepare for the arrival of Valérie and the three kids. Back story is that I thought they'd changed their minds about coming (thank you, Christophe!) so there was a moment of panic last night when talking to Valérie, she said "you have remembered we're arriving tomorrow, haven't you?" After a few splutters the game was up and I came clean.!

26.7.16: Buzzing
Oh dear, wasps are still under the eaves but as the nest isn't visible we need to wait until winter to get access and destroy it. Makes watering the plants on the terrace a bit hazardous.
Supermarket with Nick, coffee with Yasmin and the two Nicoles. Stayed on for lunch.
New hair style well received.
32°, sun
Priest in Normandy assassinated  in his church by a terrorist while saying mass.

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