Sunday 24 July 2016

Moving On

24.7.16: Making the Most of It
The frequent heavy showers didn't dampen our spirits especialy as we were off for Sunday lunch. In any case it was my last day in Scotland and I had to make the most of it. Today's destination was the Minishant Inn and it didn't disappoint.
Called in at the garden centre on the way home for some last minute tartan purchases to give my chauffeurs by way of a thank you. Sat up talking longer than was wise, given that I needed to be at the airport for about 4.45am but the case was packed and despite all my purchases it was within the weight limit of 22kg. Sad as I will be to be leaving Scotland and my good friends there, I won't be sorry to get back to some warm sunshine!
17°, cloudy, frequent heavy rain

23.7.16: Tally Ho!
Today, it was Colin and Sheila's turn to have the pleasure of my company! First, however, there was a bit of shopping to do.
Rather than stay in the town, my Prestwick pals whisked me off to Kikmichael to the pub there. We'd just been served our starters when  a party of 33 20 somethings descended in fancy dress on a country theme. Red faced farmers, huntsmen, gamekeepers, hounds etc, all with boundless energy. Apparently it was a Glasgow "Touch Rugby" club annual day out which involved "games" at every country pub they stopped in. All credit to the waitress who coped with them arriving 2 hours late for their shedulled drink stop which then turned into lunch. All very entertaining and I have to say the food was good too especially my haggis scotch egg starter.   Had a lovely walk through this quaint village admiring the pretty gardens and churchyard with its really old headstones.
Afternoon tea was next on the aganda so we headed for "Souter's Inn"  in Kirkoswald where once again we encountered our pub crawlers on their last challenge of the day. Part of the same group as the "Highgrove", once again there was a "fire alight giving out unnecessary heat..
Came back to Ann and Noel's for drinks, nibbles and even more chat.
19°, cloudy

22.7.16: Friends and Neighbours
It was cold, wet and misty whan June drove me into Ayr this morning to meet up with Ann and Noel who were shopping for this evening's soirée in M and S. A reviving coffee was a must before heading back for lunch. Yours truly was in charge of making a Spanish omelette which I managed to get from frying pan to serving plate without mishap.
It was great catching up with  Hugh and Kit, Angus and Maureen, Liz and Harry and also meeting the next door neighbours but it was strange not to have Christian there too.
19°, rain, dry later.

21.7.16: Sleep Over
Lazed around again for most of the day, going into Ayr at the end of the afternoon with Ann. A quick whizz around Bhs which is closing down and M and S before meeting up with Bill to drive out to theirs. He and June lived in France for a few years so apéritifs were ready and waiting. Bill cooked an excellent dinner while June and I caught up with our respective news. This holiday has been great for all the looking after and spoiling that's come my way. Laura joined us for dinner as we reminisced about our time as next door neighbours and life in France. This saying was on their wall and is another one that appealled to me as it rang so true of my hosts .
21°, sunny spells

20.7.16: Stay at Home Day
Woke to heavy rain and thunder so the thought of a relaxing day in was just the thing. Ann and I sat around in our dressing gowns chatting until lunch time and then had a lazy afternoon. We did manage to get ourselves out when the rain stopped to walk up the town and have a cuppa at a nice we gift shop cum gallery cum tea room. In fact the latter was closed but as the shop was still open and we didn't want coffee (the machine had been cleaned), they made us tea and chatted about their exhibitions. Of course there was cake to go with it and more unusually, tables to read. To explain, each table had a saying etched around the edge. My absolute favourite was " Live well, love much and laugh a lot". I'll try to take it to heart to spur  me on to make the most of life. Many thanks to "Many Thanks" for an unexpected moment of pleasure.
Back home for dinner and a quiet night in. R and R, just what the Nurse ordered.
Wet and chilly

19.7.16: Happy Birthday, Ann
Had a leisurely drive down to Troon where we first had a walk along the sun front. We'd planned to have lunch in the "Lido" brasserie but had not taken Glasgow Fair Fortnight and warm sunshine into account; there wasn't a seat to be had. Went to the Venice Café instead and indulged ourselves with bacon rolls. The drive over to Ann and Noel's displayed the Ayrshire countryside at its best. Just as well that I was reasonable at lunch time as we had dinner out at the "Highgrove" hotel to celebrate Ann's birthday.
The food was good. Sad to say the service wasn't up to standard, presumably staff were tired after the weekend's golf "Open" tournament, there was a fire (albeit an artificial one) burning away, presumably for atmosphere and when we went outside there was a poo smell presumably coming from the sceptic tank.
29°, sun and blue sky

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