Wednesday 13 July 2016

Going North

13.7.16: Genteel Fare
Set off today for Ilkley as Jen wanted to check out a brasserie where she was to meet some rambling friends later in the week. It was in a luxury retirement village  which was more like a holiday village than anything. Well appointed, in estate agent parlance. All comforts, tasteful design, a myriad of activities and absolutely fabulous views. We coffeed, chatted and then lunched on the patio despite the breeze.. Architypal "ladies who lunch" stuff.
By the time we got down into the town it was raining hard so we took refuge in "Betty's Tearoom " where we bemoaned the prices, feeling that it had gone downhill. If I remember rightly we had the same conversation the last time! Should remember that you're paying for the name (snob appeal?) and go somewhere else! Back home for dinner with an ever tickly cough and to pack ready for the off tomorrow.
16°, sunshine, cloud, wind rain

12.7.16: Up Hill and down Dale
Surprisingly, I'd never been to Haworth (home of the Brontes) before so it was a real pleasure to join the other tourists wandering the steep cobbled streets. Started of course with the vicarage (without visiting the interior) and soon found  a coffee shop with a view of the moors. Went in and out of the numerous little arty, crafty shops. While Jen rested on a bench, I wandered down to the park and found the "Coin Globe" made from 10,000 two pence pieces inaugurated for last year's "Grand Départ" of the Tour de France.
Skipped lunch as we were to eat dinner out and settled for a hot chocolate and millionaire's shortbread. Yes, I'm still in calorie overload mode!
Drove home through beautiful countryside as green as Warwickshire but with far less trees. Didn't have far to go for dinner at the Roebuck Inn or as it used to be known "The Spite and Mailice", so named for the rivalry between two innkeepers during the 1850's. The meal was excellent, service pleasant, with traditional decor and great views at the back.
17°, sun, cloud and cool breeze

11.7.16: Shorts, Sausage and a Siesta
A very easy start to a cloudy and rain in the offing day. Main item on the agenda was the big M and S on the outskirts of Leeds. I bought some knee length shorts  in the hope that the weather might perk up enough to wear them. Had a reviving coffee there and then went on to a garden centre for lunch. Believe it or not I was in over the top mode and went for the all day breakfast! By this time the sun was shining so there's hope yet for the shorts. Home for a siesta - a real one in bed which is very unlike me, getting up for tea, chat, dinner and tv. Starting with a dry throat and blocked nose probably due to the AC in the bus.
18°, rain and sun on and off
Angela Ledsome dropped out of the Tory party leadership race. Angela Eagle has declared v Corbyn.

10.7.16: Travelling through Historic and Industrial Landscapes
Breakfast at Margret's son Ben and his wife Kath's in Nottingham was programmed for first thing. Just one problem;
Margaret has a snappy two seater Honda and my case was too big for the boot! She had been thinking Ryanair hand baggage travel. I was staying for over three weeks with every intention of doing some shopping; not to mention the likelihood of acquisitions chez la Mama which was indeed the case (2 pairs of shoes, top, blouse, the one I'm wearing in yesterday's photo and a jacket).  A standing joke among my friends is that often when I wear something they like, 10:1 it's been one of her cast offs!  Says a lot about Mum's good taste, not sure what it says about me! Anyway, back to breakfast which was a full on affair: pancakes, poached eggs, mushrooms, bacon, sausage,  kippers, toast, marmalade, fruit juice, tea and coffee. That was certainly going to sustain me on my journey.
Ben and Margaret drove me into the bus station in Nottingham which was a pretty sad 60's affair with nothing open. Still, the bus arrived when it should and the three and a half hour journey to Leeds was fine. A double seat to myself and my trusty ibook saw to that. The sun was shining on "God's own country" as Yorkshire folk call it, and Jen was there to meet me. Spent the evening at home catching up.
22°, sunshine and clouds

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