Sunday, 22 July 2018

Cooler Weather

22.7.18: Still bearable
Sunday morning coffee was more animated than usual as there was a cobla (sardane orchestra) playing in the square after Mass. It was good to see it and the bar busy with dancers and spectators as well as the usual suspects.
What's more, the cooler weather has continued. You can see from the photo that there's no blistering sun to deal with. Such a relief!
Came home for lunch and here I am in real time sitting in front of the computer bringing the blog bang up to date. Talk about well in advance. I'll be back at a later point to finish off the day as I'll have this evening's music to report on. Don't let the suspense get to you!
Arrived late and left after about three songs; the music even to my untrained ear was  was rubbish. Martine turned up just as I was making my get-away so she came back to mine to drink cava on the terrace. Altogether a better way to spend the evening.
28°, sun and cloud

21.7.18: Drop in temperature
No Saturday lie-in; there was a treadmill to pound and a rendez-vous with Michel at 10am to go to the market. As usual, he was late so it was after 10h30 by the time I met up with Jean and Françoise.
To give myself a bit more latitude, I decided to go home on the bus rather than with Michel. Even had time for a bit of photography; local businesses were responsible for this street decoration. Cheery, isn't it? I saw something similar in Gerona a couple of years ago; it featured parasols instead of kites and was every bit as effective.
With half an hour left to wait before the bus I decided to have a coffee in a bar on the way to the stop. By chance I met Thérèse and her partner Eric who invited me to join them. Not from the village, I only know them from my local where they stop by from time to time. As Thérèse was not prepared to offer me a coffee at 12.30 in the day, I succumbed to a white wine while we caught up on all our back news.
Spent a quiet time at home until it was time to go to the recreation ground for the fireworks' display which was good and much appreciated. Luckily, the earlier rain hadn't interfered with the continuing festivities of the Festa Major. (meal of "moules/frites", disco and fun fair)
27°, sun, showers and cloud later.

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