Sunday, 1 July 2018

In need of change

1.7.18: Change of air in view
Got up early to use the treadmill  before going to the café. The cacklers were there in good voice. I really am going to have to put some distance between us. Think I'll use the other bar more and  alter my timing. Upside will be that I'll be more productive in the mornings so every cloud and all that .....
30°, sunny and windy

30.7.18: Fresh air
Heck, we're already halfway through the year and the longest day was 10 days ago. Where does the time go?
Nick and Lizzie picked me up in their open top as I waited at the bus stop to go to the market. It was a pleasant reminder of the fun that Christian and I had in ours. So glad that he eventually got his heart's wish. Came back on the bus an hour and a half later having met Françoise and Jean for coffee and done a bit of shopping.
Back in the village, I arrived at the café at the same time as Nicole and once again we weren't able to avoid the noisy pair. Nicole and I did linger on though and had a glass of rosé and thankfully there was enough calm and quiet to chat.
For the rest of the day, I dithered around on the computer and watched more box sets than were good for me.
32°, hot and sunny

29.6.18: Too much hot air!
Arranged with Nicole to go later to the bar in the hope of avoiding the noisy pair. Wouldn't you know it, they had lingered on. Had another dose of raised voices this afternoon as the bureau was a bit heated between three of the members. No point in going into details. Maybe it's the relentlessly hot weather.
This evening was more pleasantly spent with the English women with whom I have the "apérobio"; for once their men were invited. Went to the other bar for a change and ordered up the grill that they do at the weekend. The company was an altogether different kettle of fish with no loud, over the top discussion. Food was tasty, too.
30°, sunny

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