There were seven women for coffee at the bar, the terrible two included. Jacques came by later on and after an apéro, he invited Nicole and myself to help finish up the leftovers from Friday's meal. as ever he was very hospitable and we had a good discussion about the unrest in Nantes after the shooting of a young man by the Police.
Too well fed and too hot to do anything other than sit on the settee and watch my latest Netflix boxset, "Serangoon Road". It's an Australian production set in Singapore in 1964 and for once the Brits weren't portrayed as the "good guys". That does make a change, doesn't it?
Just in case you're tut, tutting that I'm not exercising off all those calories, I'll have you know that I've done 1 hour+ on the treadmill for six of the last seven days. Not bad, eh?
35°, hot and sunny
7.7.18: More Swedish than the Swedes!
33°, sun, cloud later
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