Wednesday 3 April 2019

April Arrived with Showers

2.4.19 - 3.4.19 A Great Start to April
Before I head off to make a much needed cuppa after the last marathon post I've just done, I'll leave you with news of the 3Vs long awaited trip to the Costa Brava. In case you don't remember the 'V' stands for veuve or widow.
Just click here Sorry about the splodge that I haven’t always been able to crop out.

Off we set with Nicole driving, me navigating or rather following the signs, and Martine snoozing in the back.

Left the motorway at Girona South and stopped in Casa de la Selva for a coffee on the terrace of Can Cucut. From there we continued to Tossa de Mar  where I remembered with nostalga (as I always do) the stay that Christian and I had at the Hotel Diana which has been extended still in Art Deco style and made even more attractive.Those were the days as Mary Hopkins would have said. Don’t be put off by the photo which shows the work going on to prepare for its reopening next weekend.

We walked up to the light house and wandered through the old town then stopped for  lunch at the Pizzeria Bella. Had a good view over the sea and the remains of the castle. The best bit of the meal was the "bola" which was something like a puffed up round naan that had been sprinkled with a parsley and garlic olive oil.  

From here we zig-zagged our way to Sant Feliu de Guixols where we walked along the sea front to the marina taking photos all the way.   There we stopped for a pot of tea on a chic terrace overlooking the boats and out to sea. Gentle classical music accompanied us until it was time to head for our hotel, the Eden Roc. A comfortable room in comfortable surroundings overlooking the sea didn't disappoint. We explored the hotel complex which was big but human and walked along the costal path, again with camera in hand. After weeks of blue skies and bright sun, it was a shame that today we had hazy sun then cloud.

There was a lovely lounge with a huge bay window and comfy settees and armchairs. We were there early enough the bag a prime position to drink a bottle of cava for our apéritif. Dinner was buffet style with plenty of choice. Didn't linger afterwards; we were tired and ready to catch up on emails before snuggling down before 11.30pm. And what do you know? I left my tablet at home so there was no temptation to watch tv. That's a first in a long time!


17°, hazy sun, overcast later


Awoke to light drizzle which was a disappointing. By the time that we'd finished our buffet breakfast, however, it had stopped enough for us to take a short walk along the coastal path near the hotel.

Bill paid and bags in the car, we set off for pastures new, hoping that the rain would hold off. Travelling through the wooded Gavarres Mountains we met very little traffic so were able to admire the scenery. Arriving at La Bisbal we had a quick look at the old town and made a coffee stop at El Café.

Decided on a visit to Peratallada, lovely, medieval village where we found a pleasant lunch at El Clau de Papibou.

We made a hasty walk back to the car as thunder rumbled in the distance and rain threatened. Just made it when the heavens opened. There was nothing else to do but abandon our next visit and point the car homewards.

On the way back, we stopped off to see our friend Anne who's just back from a lengthy trip away. As she has memory problems we were concerned to find the door unlocked, the tv on and no sign of her. Fortunately, we ran across her coming up the road from the shop and took her and her shopping trolley home.

I and my overnight bag then went home for tea, emails and some catch up tv.


10°, overcast, rain

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