Tuesday 30 April 2019

Out with April, In with May

30.4.19: Ending the Month on a Good Note
Another day of catching up and here I am all up to date, at least, with the blog but we all know how that turns out! Gives a new meaning to "watch this space"!
22°, sun and blue sky

29.4.19: A Working Trip to the Seaside

No treadmill for the legs; instead at 7am I was on the one for the brain aka the computer. On a deadline to get a load of things done. 9h15 Jacques and I sped off to Collioure to the Mairie to a meeting about the piper's visit. Met up with Jacques's Mexican in-laws for an omelette lunch.

Spent the afternoon getting mad at the printer and working through the "to do" list.

This evening there was a bagpipe meeting after which I couldn't face going back to the computer so just watched tv and decided it would be best to get up early to continue the attack. It's all so wearisome.


19°, sun and cloud

28.4.19: Sant Jordi/St George's Day

Up early to be over at the Mairie to help set up our stands for the Fête de Sant Jordi. The weather gods were kind to us with sunshine all day but where were the people? Several stall holders were awol and we were hardly overrun with customers. Still, we did make over 450€, all for the pipers.

After all day "on duty" I thought twice about going to the flute and piano concert in the church but I decided that I should not pass up such an opportunity.

JJ came for supper and I'm pleased to say that he looks much better.


19, sun, a little cloud

Baked a ginger cake to sell tomorrow and apart from helping to load Maggie's van with books and other paraphernalia most of the rest of the day was spent on the computer. The evening was a lazy one in front of the tv. Yes, again but I haven't the energy to do anything else more taxing!
19°, cloudy 

26.4.19 : Diners sans Frontières

Around the table this evening were Jacques (French), Lone and Jesper (Danish), Beverley (Californian), James (New Zealander) and of course, yours truly from "Perfidious Albion"; Conversations went on in French, English and Spanish while we devoured Beverley's tasty goats' cheese and blueberry tarts.

So here I am, in bed with aching feet, a dead brain, one eye on "the Good Wife", the other on writing this blog in the hope that I'll finish before falling asleep.

18°, sun, cloud, showers

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