Sunday 30 June 2019


Behind Closed Shutters

20.6.19 - 30.6.19:
The main talking point in France during this time has been the "canicule" or as you would know it, the heatwave. Temperatures soared as high as the 40's and it's been sapping and uncomfortable. Writing this in July it's still hot , fluctuating between 32° and 37°. Shutters are closed, fans on and the sofa has become my refuge when I've not been organising my photos and doing a ruthless cull of all my cookery books. Inevitably, the bagpipes are forever on the list of "things to do" as well.
Rest assured, I have poked my nose outside from time to time. To the market and out for a coffee to Pepe's. It looks as if he's going have to close due to health problems. Sadly, he's not been able to find a buyer; not good news for the village if there's no choice of watering hole.
The square is now finished and the annual Fête de la Musique on 21st was a good way to inaugurate it.
Had a good lunch at the restaurant with David and Laura and was invited for dinner at Gregor and Claire's where we were royally entertained and able to watch the fireworks laid on by the Mairie for the Fête de St Jean which celebrates the start of summer.
The month ended with the opening of a photo exhibition and the Association's summer tapas evening which had white as it's theme. Realising that this is the last one that I would be obliged to help at  saw me through to the bitter end! Only 4 more months to go ..........
Hot, hot, hot

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Unashamed Tourist

15.6.19 - 19.6.19:
Leaving Normandy behind, off I went by train to Paris where I was met by Elsa and Nolween. Had an unbelievable start to my stay; on visiting an organic wine fair as part of the commune's local fête, the first stand we came across was from this village. Imagine, travelling nearly a 1,000km to have my first taste of  the only wine made here! Didn't even know it existed.
Sightseeing with Stéphanie took in some Art Nouveau buildings, gardens, tea at the Mosque for 2€ and a, expresso at the Café de la Paix for 6€50! Glad that I didn't have tea as it would have set me back 8€50!
The next day, I was out and about with Elsa. Wandered around the Pere Lachaise cemetary where lots of famous people are buried but with little time and no plan, we only found Chopin's grave. After that we went to the "Atelier des Lumières" to see the sound and light exhibition featuring Van Gogh's work. A super experience!
Evenings were spent at home around the table with the family and I even had the pleasure of Leo's company.
The journey back to the south went without a hitch and Jean and Françoise being at the station to meet me was an added bonus.
After rain and cloud in Normandy, temperatures rose in Paris. 
And .... here are loads of photos. Just be thankful that I wasn't there longer.

Friday 14 June 2019

Family, Friends and Football

9.6.19 - 14.6.19:
Next phase of my trip came as I moved from Lower to Upper Normandy to spend some time with family and friends. Lots of time spent sitting and talking around some table or another. No complaints there, of course.
I also did some walking around Le Havre dodging the rain and went to a Women's World Cup match (England v Argentina) along with 20, 251 other spectators. No complaints there either.
You know the routine; follow the link to see the photos.

Sunday 9 June 2019

D Day

6.6.19 - 9.6.19:
Bretteville was liberated primarily by the Canadians with the British, Scots and Americans arriving later. There were several ceremonies to commemmorate this, as well as the official twinning get together.
Norman hospitality was as generous as ever, there was a visit to an underground quarry and a 1940's evening.
Here's the photographic record.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Breaking Out of the Village!

5.6.19 - 6.6.19:
En route to Normandy for the twinning visit accompanied by rain.
Lunch in Bordeaux and an overnight in Angers and visit to the château the next morning. The château housed the amazing tapestry of the Apocalypse, which at 100m long, is bigger than the one in Bayeux.
You can find the photos here.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Gateway to Summer

Took the bus to the market, bumped into Bridget and joined her for a coffee. Then met Jim and Mags with the Brits at another bar.
This afternoon I had a meeting with Béatrice about lodging our bagpipers and caught up with the blog.
Once more on my own, the evening followed the usual pattern of TV watching.
27°, sunny

The light morning woke me earlier than needed but no matter. I utilised the extra time to do some work on the computer before going for a coffee. Worked on the blog and photos after lunch when really I should have been out enjoying the fine weather.
Wandered over to see people dancing the Sardane in front of the Mairie, then wandered back again and did nothing in particular.
26°, Sun, cloudy later

Coffee with Nicole after a long lay off due to our various commitments. Rest of the day was spent on the bagpipe visit ending up with a meeting with the host families and then with Jacques to bring him up to speed.
26°, sun, cloud later

An early coffee with Françoise then hair in the morning, apéro at the bar with JJ and Nicole, dentist in the afternoon, tagine with les Anglaises this evening in Brian and Dani's pretty garden. Life promises to continue in busy mode so don't be surprised if I'm not checking in much.
30°, sunny and blue skies