Saturday 31 October 2020

Last Days of Freedom

31.10.20: Put my head outside the door to go to the market (food shopping is allowed) where I ended up buying a cabbage! Must have been a lockdown association; there was always one on Jill's grocery order. Sat out in the sun; such a bonus for this time of year

Weather: 25°, blue sky

30.10.20: First day of lockdown came with a trip out with the requisit paperwork. Another covid test ready for my 2nd cataract op. Otherwise: reading the papers, magazines while enjoying the sunshine, computer, tv.

Weather: 25°. Blue sky and sunshine

 29.10.20: Legs refused to find their way downstairs to the treadmill so I just read the papers instead until it was time to get up and see the family off. Prepared some lunch and soup for this evening, did a quick lockdown shop locally then met Nicole for coffee.

Computer class was cancelled so I tidied up the store cupboard, getting rid of some dubious looking marshmallows, 2 types of flour and toffee sauce that should have been thrown away years ago and I don't mean just a couple.

Had tea and crêpes with Michel at his place catching the last of the sun.

This evening was less amusing; Jean Castex, the PM, fleshed out the new regulations. Lockdown until 1st December will be reviewed in 2 weeks time but there has been a few suggestions that it could go on longer though this might just be scaremongering speculation.

Weather: 21°, sunshine and blue skies

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